Chapter 12 - Drag Her In

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She went to work and Joe blocked her way. He said "Alice! I found out something! I traced something from the case. You need to know this immediately."

"How? Did you search for them one by one?"

"Yes, each victim!" He looked like he really wanted to let her know about it immediately. Alice won't doubt Joe. He's one of a smartass man for him not to possibly do it within one night. She wanted to talk to him and know everything that he'll say, but their company's encoder hastily walked toward her and said, "Ms. Alice, the vice president said that he needed the papers from last week on his desk and said that he has something with him for you to do. He needs the papers right now. It's urgent, he said."

Alice looked at Joe and said "Joe. Tell it to me, later! I mean, tomorrow!" She'll be with Jack later so it's better off tomorrow. "I'll check that out! I have to go for now." She ran to her table and searches for the papers to bring them to the vice president. The encoder sticks with her for assistance.

Joe was left in the aisle, looking at Alice being so active. She never ran out of activities to do. She's the busy type of person.

He thought "When can I ever have long talks with you again?" Hopelessly, he just stared instead.

Alice had jam-packed tasks the whole daytime. She almost wanted to lie on the ground and rest for a while. Her body was shaking, caused by fatigue. But she was glad that it was all over at noon time. She reached out for the cafeteria and grabbed some food to eat. That was the only solution for her instant recovery. After taking her lunch, she felt better. Then Jack called her out to proceed in his office. He was right on time.

So then, they went out of the building with a strategic way of exit for them not to be caught going out together. She rode beside Jack in his car, trying to think about anything but why she was here. It was always a different air when she's with him. Jack wore his suit off. That left him with a white long sleeve and a black tie. He was an eye candy for Alice. She couldn't resist not looking at him, at least once a minute. But she handled herself very well to control her emotions from coming out mentally and physically.

The ride went on. They were headed south and had almost reached the rest stop where Kinley's friend worked. She stared out the window, watching the scenery go by. Thankful she had moved away. Everything around the place began to look so scary for her, thinking that it was a place for sinners like Kinley. She looked at the surroundings, the pine tree forest, even the signs along the road marking the towns and distances between them.

"You're quiet," Jack said.

She looked at him and then back at the pavement in front of the hood of his white Bentley.

"Changed your mind?" He probed gently. "Because if you have, it's OK. I'll turn around right now and take you back to your apartment."

"No," she said softly. "I need to do this. It's just that I'm nervous." She rubbed her sweaty hands together.

He kept his eyes on the road, yet he was totally attentive to her. "There's really not much to tell. All I got with me is, knowing that Rodrigo Lopez, the one that I'm going to interview now, is a very close friend of Jack when they were together behind bars. He knew a lot about him. And the connections of Kinley's victims before.........I know this sounds silly"—he looked at her—"considering what I do for a living, this is not really my thing, investigating and stuff, but I like to try to respect the victims' families. I did not go far from asking them anymore. Besides, what if it really is just a sick coincidence?"

It was a very wise excuse to escape the subject. Of course, he couldn't talk to them personally. He's the suspect.

She knew he was as certain as she was that it wasn't but she could have kissed him for offering that glimmer of hope. "Guess we can safely check him off then." She wiped her damp hands on her jeans.

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