Chapter 33 - Memento

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Alice woke up and it's quarter to 5 AM when she checked the clock. She slept for only two hours. She saw that Jack wasn't in his bed anymore.

She kind of worried where he went.

She saw the door of his bedroom was yanked open so she thought he might have gone to the bathroom and will be back in a while.

She tried to close her eyes and get back to sleep but then she heard his voice from the living room.

He was talking to someone.

She stayed quiet to listen intently to what he's saying. It was silent in his apartment that even the smallest sound of a crack could be heard.

She wondered who he was talking to.

First thing that came to her mind was another woman because he recently cheated on her, so she became more eager to listen and investigate.

His voice echoed in the living room.

"Shut up! He's here! The kids! Follow the kids!"

Alice thought, "It can't be Morrie. She's missing. And why was he suggesting to follow the kids? Whose kids?"

She continued to listen to clear her suspicions.

"He can't see you! Hide!"

After that, he stopped talking. She tried to sit up in the bed when she leaned on something with her hand. She looked at it and it was his phone. She began to speculate once more.

Now he couldn't be talking to someone on his phone.

She slowly stood up and planned to snitch to his living room to catch whoever he's talking to without making any sound.

She tiptoed outside of his bedroom and walked to the living room only to see him ducking underneath the window.

The strangest part was that he was alone.

The lamp illuminates his living room so she could clearly see his reactions. He looked scared. He was peeking through the window like he was hiding from someone.

She spoke, "Jorge?"

Jack turned around quickly and saw Alice standing and staring at him.

He immediately said "Alice! Duck! We need to hide!"

She just followed what he said, thinking maybe he saw Jack Kinley around the corner. She felt nervous about the situation because Jack looked frantic which she had never seen before.

She thought it must be something serious.

The lamp could cast her shadow which will be visible from the outside and would indicate that someone was inside.

She moved closer to him as quietly as possible. She was trying so hard not to be seen from the outside that she almost crawled her way to him.

She said "Jorge, who are we hiding to? Who's outside?"

Jack replied, "Mr. Williams!"

It was then Alice knew there was something wrong.

She asked, "Who's Mr. Williams?"

"Shh! Shh! Be quiet!" He looked outside and sat back again.

He told her, "He's the owner of this orphanage! He will come here to hurt me! Alice, you need to hide! He might hurt you too."

Alice felt weak after she saw his situation. He was completely out of it, she thought.


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