Chapter 28 - Heart's Desire

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"Where were you on the night of murder?"

"I was in my apartment. I was off duty."

"Nowhere else?"

"I came to the park before that. That's where I bumped into her."

"The witnesses saw you got punched by her former boyfriend."

"They recognized me?"

"They said you are the CEO of the tall building just a few blocks away."

"I never knew they know me that well around here."

"May we know what's the reason for the fight?"

"I didn't fight him. I stayed calm. I didn't know anything about what he's accusing me for."

"Is it true that he punched you because you had an affair with Ms. Noreen?"

He chuckled. "Not that I know of. I told you I didn't know anything about his accusations."

"But you have a distinct closeness with Ms. Noreen?"

"We're not close. Just a boss-employee type of relationship."

"But we found a photo of you in her room."

He remembered that she mentioned something about the photo. But he couldn't act worried about it.

He said "What photo are you talking about?"

"It was your company photo."

"I didn't know about that. I'm guessing that's what caused the boyfriend to go mad because he thought that there's something going on between us, when clearly, I have no idea about all of that."

"Just admiration?"

"Could be something else. I don't know a lot about women." He laughed weakly.

"Let's be clear that what you're saying right now is 100% truth, right?"


"Do you remember anyone who was with her after the fight?"

"I can't remember anyone. I walked my way home after the shame the man brought me."

"We're sorry about that. Do you have an idea how could it possibly happen?"

"The crime?"


"Infidelity. Very common." He said in earnest.

"There are a lot of things complicating every bloody thing in sight

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"There are a lot of things complicating every bloody thing in sight."

"But you don't agree with such logical conclusion?"

"He might have set a scene to make us think of something else."

"Something else?"

"Your employee, Joe Schmidt, gave me a very helpful observation, different from ours."

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