Chapter 21 - The Withdrawal

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That midnight, Alice can't seem to calm her mind. Lying in her bed has never been so uncomfortable. A different feeling. Must be the coldness of her bed sheet. It had never been so cold. Her room had never been this dull. Never in her life she experienced feeling alone...... Just now.

She didn't want to appear so clingy over Jack so she decided to call her best friend, hoping she's still awake by this time.

Sophia isn't someone to ignore and not to answer Alice's calls. She knew she always has something interesting to tell when she calls.

She answered the call, "Hello Al! Long time huh?"

"God! Thank you for picking up! I just want to talk to someone."

"What are friends for, right? Go darling, spill." Very eager to hear whatever it is that she's going to say. "Another issue? Rants? Heart break? Problem? Another hangover from a very good movie? What?"

"Wait, what is with the movie thing?" She chuckled.

"You tend to call me to divert your attention away from the attachment in a movie. You love 'The Notebook'! You cried so hard to me that time!"

"Hey. 'The Notebook' was a very nice film!"

"Yeah. Ain't your river of tears a living proof that it is?"

Alice laughed. Missing the feeling of happiness at the same time. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too! Now tell me what you have to say."

"This is very confidential. And you know I trust you so don't ever tell this to anyone."

"I swear! Come on! Have you ever heard a single secret of you that came out from my mouth?"

"Yeah right. But here's what I'm going to say..." She inhaled deeply then came up with words as fast as she can. "Ever had the feeling of being possessive to someone you don't own but you really like?"

"So this is about who?"

"Okay, so this may sound crazy but I think I'm really... like really getting into my boss. I know... I know! It's creepy and silly and out of place."

Sophia freaked out. "Oh My God! I'm really right! So, is this an old news or new?"

"Old one is too unsure so it's new. I just felt it when we..." She paused. Forgot to put on the brakes of herself from saying too much information. She just froze, unable to speak another word.

Sophia asked, "Had sex? What? Tell me."

She didn't respond. She was covering her face like she can see her at this moment. She felt so embarrassed.

"Holy Schmuck! Al! You had sex with your hot boss?!" Sophia exclaimed while trying to keep her voice low. If only she wasn't at work. She could have reacted way more tremendous.

"Don't scream! Someone might hear!" She panicked. "I know. I'm such a disgrace. I should be ashamed."

"No, no, no, no! Your boss is fucking hot! Why would you regret doing such a thing eh?"

"Enough with that topic! It makes me feel troubled. So yeah, he and I did it. But the thing is, he doesn't talk too much to me nowadays. Like, there's this distance just right after we did it."

"Did you two do it like on a daily basis?"

"Kind of?"

"And now you want him back and you're becoming too possessive to him?"

Alice talked, gritting her teeth in humiliation. "Yes."

"Don't tell me you're getting obsessed with him? Don't do it! It's dangerous! He is your boss. What if he fires you or something? Just saying."

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