Chapter 27- Haunted Memories

Start from the beginning






The morning had come and I was rudely awoken by the rising sun.
The bright light which shone through the window decided to shine right in my face, stirring me in my sleep, and in the end forcing me to get up.
When I had first gotten up I forgot where I was, but as last night replayed in my head I soon remembered. I ran a hand through my hair and got up from the couch, making my way over to the window.

As I stared out of the window I noticed some birds flying by, but other than that time seemed to be slowed down. The rain from last night left everything covered in a light coat of water and dew, and I watched as raindrops slowly ran down the face of the glass.
In the front yard, off to the left of the picket fence, I noticed a small bush of flowers. I tilted my head to the right as I smile appeared on my face, however it soon disappeared.
I... wonder how Ray is....
Running a hand through my hair I clumped my hand together and grabbed a fistful of hair.
Shut up about Ray already... you left him... he's gone....
Taking a deep breath in, and exhaling, I made my way over to the door.

I need air.
Just as I was about to open the door I was quickly interrupted by an abrupt voice.

"Where are you going?" I turned around to see none other than Luciel, carrying my tablet, and sluggishly walking over to the couch.

"I was going for a walk," I answered, crossing my arms over my chest.

"A walk huh?" He asked, plopping himself down on the same couch I had fallen asleep on.
"Yeah sure, whatever... It's your choice to leave or not...." he let out a yawn, "I'm not gonna stop you."
Narrowing my eyes I watched as he lied down on his side and seemed to fall asleep.

Jerk.... I thought to myself as I opened the door and walked out.

Closing the door behind me I made my way down the flat stone walkway. About halfway from the street to the house the walkway seemed to split into two paths, one which lead to behind the house, the other lead to the street, where a red sports car had been parked. Deciding to not go wander into the street I went the other way, behind the house.

As I followed the rock path it didn't lead anywhere, but to a trail in the woods. Not knowing where else to go I followed the tail.

Wandering down the path I took a moment to admire the plants, mostly large, towering trees, and the small shrubs that grew at the base of the trees, along with the occasional patch of moss, or the mushroom here and there.

Before long, however, I noticed a path off to the side. It didn't seem like a man-made path. Instead, it seemed to be a path that an animal may have made for themselves. Glancing down the animal path I didn't see much other than more brush, and when I looked at the manmade trail I didn't see anything but more trees.
The animal trail curved and seemed much more grown over, while the trail I had followed went in only a straight line. Deciding to go on an adventure I followed the animal trail.

Following the trail, I soon came to a large clearing. The large canopy of trees opened themselves up, leaving a large hole in the green which leads way to the blue sky, and the clouds which would roll by. And in the center of the opening was a single bush of flowers.

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