chapter 11

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POV: Shadow
Not much later, my dad arrived.

"Do you have the money?" Was the first thing I asked. He nodded.

"Of course. Don't worry, we will get Sonic back." My dad said and patted my back. He must have noticed how much I was panicking.

"Don't worry? Don't worry?! How can I not worry?! He's my boyfriend for Chaos sake!" I yelled.

"Son, calm down. I understand-" He started but I cut him off.

"No you don't understand!" I yelled and pointed at him. "I feel hopeless. I feel useless cause there is nothing I can do."

"We just have to wait till 6 o'clock and after that, everything will be fine." My dad said and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I hope you're right." I said with a sigh.


My dad and I were walking to the Shine Bridge. The bag with money hung over his shoulder. With every step I took, I got more and more desperate to get Sonic back.

Please let Sonic be okay. I won't be able to forgive myself if he isn't.

We arrived at the meeting place. Scourge was there, standing at the edge of a cliff with a chest beside him. Whimpers and cries came from inside the chest. It was Sonic.

"Hello Shadow, nice to see you again." Scourge said with that stupid smirk of his on his face.

"Give him back." I growled.

"Hand me the money." He said and stretched his hand out. My dad gave him the bag. He opened it and looked for a while then closed it again. "He's all yours." Scourge said then kicked the chest off the cliff and ran off.

"No!" I ran to the edge of the cliff and fell to my knees. I sighed in relief when I saw that the chest had fallen on a platform instead of in the water. I could hear him cry. The platform was cracking. It couldn't hold his weight. I knew I had to do something and fast. "I'm coming for you Sonic!" I yelled and swung my legs over the edge. I turned around so my chest was facing the wand. When I had a good grip, I started climbing down.

"Shadow! What are you doing?!" He dad yelled and stopped me.

"Saving Sonic." I answered and made him let go of me then I continued climbing down.

"Just be careful." He said.

"I am-" The stone I held onto with my right hand broke off. My feet slipped and which left me hanging with one hand.

"Shadow!" My dad yelled and reached for me but there was too much distance between us. I tried placing my feet back against the wand but I kept slipping. My arm couldn't keep myself up and gave in.

"Aah!" I fell a few feet before I landed on the platform. I groaned as I felt a sharp pain in my back.

"Are you okay?" My dad asked concerned.

"Yes." I answered and rubbed my back. "Go get a rope or something. I don't think we will be able to climb up."

"Alright. I will be back soon." He said and took off running.

"Sonic, are you okay?" I asked. He didn't respond to my question, he kept crying. A piece of the platform broke off and the chest almost fell with it into the water. I dug my claws into the wood and pulled the chest closer to the wand. "Don't worry Sonic. I'm getting out of there." I said and pulled the topside off it. Sonic wasn't inside, only a phone and an envelope. I froze.

He tricked me. That fucking bastard! Then where is Sonic?!

I grabbed the envelope and phone. It was turned on and what I saw on the screen made my eyes go wide open. It was Sonic. He was tied up in a chair. But worst of all, he was crying and shaking in fear.

"Shadow!" I looked up and saw Rouge.

"Rouge?" I said confused.

"Don't worry. I'm getting you out of there." She said then flew down to me. She grabbed my arms and flew back up. "I met your father when he was on the way to our dorm. He told me to go here and keep an eye on you while he got a rope. But since I could, I got you out of there." She said once we were back on our feet.

"...Thanks..." Was all I said.

"Are you okay?" She asked concerned. I shook my head.

"No... Not at all.." I answered honestly.

"P-Please! No! Stop!" I heard screaming coming from the phone. Scourge was with Sonic.

"Aren't you glad to finally go back to Mephiles?" Scourge asked as he chuckled. After that, he knocked Sonic out and turned to the camera. "There is something useful in the envelope. I should go there tomorrow if I were you." He said then turned the camera off. I immediately opened the envelope and found a map. The place Rocky Waterfalls was encircled.

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