chapter 12

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POV: Sonic
I opened my eyes and everything I saw was blurry. I shook my head and blinked a few times. This time I saw more clearly. My wrists were tied together and I was lying in the backseat of a car. I started to panic.

What happened?! Where am I?!

My ear twisted when I heard voices from outside the car. I sat up and looked outside. My eyes widened. It was Scourge and Mephiles. His eyes immediately turned to me when he noticed me. I gulped and froze. Scourge noticed I was awake as well and opened the door.

"S-Stay away from me!" I back away from them. Scourge pulled me out of the car.

"He's completely fine, like you wanted." He said and held me by the shoulders. "So give me the bounty and he's all yours." He said. Mephiles tossed him an open bag filled with money. I was pushed to Mephiles who immediately took me in his arms.

"You made sure he got the phone and envelope, right?" Mephiles asked and opened his car before pushing me inside. Scourge nodded.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you." He said.

"I can agree." Mephiles said and closed the door. Scourge left in his car and Mephiles stepped in. He started driving. I had my ears pinned against my head as I looked down.

"Why did you ran away?" Mephiles growled. I didn't react. "Answer me!" He slapped me across the face.

"... I-I.. I wanted to have.. my own life.." I answered and placed a hand on my cheek as I tried to hold back my tears.

"When we're home, I'm teaching you a lesson about misbehaving." He said. I could see the lust in his eyes. I couldn't help but start to cry quietly.


We arrived at his mansion. He got out and pulled me out of the car with force. He locked it and dragged me with him inside. He closed and locked the door behind him. I just stood there, shaking in fear. His arms were wrapped around my waist.

"I heard you got yourself a boyfriend, ain't I right?" Mephiles said and leaned in. I slowly nodded, being unable to speak. "You're mine and it will always stay that way." He bit down on my neck and I whimpered from the pain. He left another claim mark on me. "He will pay for being with you. After tomorrow, he will be dead."

Oh Shadow... Please be safe...

POV: Shadow
Rouge and I went back to the dorm. My father was still looking for a rope when he saw us.

"Shadow! You're okay." He said and hugged me. "Where is Sonic?" He asked.

"He wasn't there. It was just a trick. But I did get this." I showed him the phone and the map. "The phone is connected to a camera which showed us Sonic but it was turned off after the bounty hunter told me to go the place on the map tomorrow." I explained.

"Mmhh." He seemed to be thinking. "You're not going there alone. Maybe it's another trap."

"Maybe. We will see tomorrow." I said. I knew it was Scourge or Mephiles. If I would do what they say, maybe I could get Sonic back.

"The Rocky Waterfalls are pretty far away from here." Rouge said as she studied the map. "Your father is right, you're not going alone. You will ask the others to go with us."

"Sounds like a good idea but dad... I don't want you to come..." I sighed and crossed my arms. "Mom and Stripes need you at home. And don't worry, we will be fine. Really." I said. I hoped I would get him to leave. I didn't want him to be caught up in this.

"Okay, fine. But call me if you need anything." My dad said. I nodded.

"Of course." I replied.

"Take care." He gave me a kiss on the forehead before he left.

"Why did you do that for?" Rouge asked and crossed her arms.

"I don't him to be caught up in it. Just like I don't want the others to be caught up in it." I answered with a sigh.

"And you expect us to be able to handle them, just the two of us?" Rouge questioned.

"What are you talking about?" Sally asked, who just walked into my room like she has permission to do that.

"That's not your business." I said and crossed my arms.

"It's about Sonic, isn't it? Mephiles got his hands on him again, didn't he?" She asked.

"How do you know?" I asked and raised a brow.

"I'm actually one of Sonic's friends from before the whole thing with Mephiles happened. He was a hero. But then, he fought a battle he could not win. He was captured by Dr. Eggman and everyone thought he died. I moved to another city since I couldn't take being there anymore." Sally explained. "And then I met him here. Due time he told me what happened to him. But I never told him who I truly was."

"Wait wait wait... Sonic was a hero..?" I said and gave her a confused look. "How come we never heard of him?" I asked.

"Us heroes aren't known in this part of the world because Dr. Eggman never attacked here." Sally answered.

"Why haven't you told us this sooner?" I asked.

"I couldn't even tell Sonic. What makes you think I would tell you?" She said and crossed her arms.

"Good point." I said.

"The place on the map if where we used to live." Sally said. "I can take you there."

"That would be great." I said.

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