chapter 7

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POV: Shadow
School was boring like always. But I was glad Sonic sat next to me each lesson. We haven't been dating for long but I think all our classmates know it already. Let's say I can't stop giving Sonic my attention. I want to give him hugs, cuddles, and kisses all the time. The girls were in awe while some boys seemed to be jealous. But I didn't blame them, though I didn't like it. Sonic was just so adorable. He truly is the perfect boyfriend.

"Shadow." Sonic said and nuzzled my arm. "You said you wanted to go to your friends at our break but.. but I don't want you to leave me.." He said.

"I won't." I kissed his forehead. "I'm taking you with me." I said. The bell rang. I got up and carried Sonic bridal style.

"Shadow, I can walk." He said as he giggled.

"But I enjoy carrying you." I said.

"Fine. But you're not carrying me all the time." He said and nuzzled his face into my chest fur.

"Deal." I chuckled. I saw my friends from the corner of my eye. I walked up to them.

"There are the two lovebirds." Rouge said when she noticed us.

"So you must be Sonic." Silver said and looked over at Sonic who just nodded. "Nice to meet you. My name is Silver and her name is Blaze." He said and pointed at Blaze who was sitting next to him.

"It's nice to meet you too." Sonic said as I placed him back on his feet. He got less nervous around others in these few days.

"Well well well, I finally found you." I recognized that voice. It was Scourge.

"What do you want?" I asked irritated.

"I have no interest in you. It's Sonic I want to talk with, alone." He said. I growled.

I don't trust him to be alone with my boyfriend.

POV: Sonic
"Me?" I said confused.

What can he possibly want from me?

"No, he's not coming with you." Shadow said and wrapped his arms around me, holding me protectively.

"Fine then. I just came to give a message from him. He's looking for you Sonic. He's coming for you." Scourge said and walked away after that. The way he said 'him' made me realize who and what he was talking about him.

How does he know him? Does he know I'm here? If yes, then I'm no longer safe here.

"Sonic." Shadow lifted my chin which made me look at him. "What did he mean by that?" He asked. He was worried. I could hear it in his voice.

"I haven't been completely honest with you about my past." I said with a sigh. "I will tell you another time. It's too personal to say while others are around." I whispered to him. He nodded.

"But whoever is after you, I will protect you. I promise you I will." Shadow said then leaned down and kissed me. I melted in the kiss and kissed back. I heard his friends awe. After we held the kiss for a while, we pulled away. "I promise you, I will protect you." Shadow said and hugged me. I smiled and hugged back.

"Thank you." I said and kissed his cheek.

"Anything for you." He said as he smiled at me. Not much later, the bell rang and we walked to our next period, gymnastics. We do sports but we also play games which is fun. I never played games, well, not that I can remember.

"What do you think we will be doing today?" I asked Shadow as we changed into our gymnastic clothes. We were required to wear clothes for this class.

"I don't know. I hope a game since I'm not in the mood to do sports today." He replied.

"Me too. I like games!" I said which made him chuckle. We went outside with the rest of our classmates. Our coach was waiting for us. Now that we were complete, the lesson could begin.

"So today we are going to play Hide and Seek. You may hide all over the school but not inside the buildings. We start with 5 seekers. The other 20 are hiders. Who wants to be a seeker?" Our coach said. A few people raised their hand. "You five are seekers." He said and pointed to the group of kids. "The rest of you can go hide. You got 1 minute before I release the seekers." He said and everyone nodded. "...3...2...1.....Go!"

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