chapter 13

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POV: 3rd person
At Rocky Waterfalls, the evil scientist Dr. Eggman was waiting for Shadow and his friends to show up. He had made a deal with Mephiles. He had to destroy Shadow and Mephiles would give him a new energy source he got from a friend. And the villain could really use it. Not far away, the group of friends was closing in on where Dr. Eggman was.

"Are we there yet?" Rouge asked with a groan.

"It should be around here somewhere." Shadow answered as he looked around.

"Oh no." Sally said as she froze in place. "That's Eggman. He must be working together with Mephiles. Just like before."

"Then he must know where Sonic is." Shadow said and walked up to the fat man who was floating in the air in his Eggmobile.

"Shadow! Wait!" Sally yelled but she was already too late to warn him. They had been noticed.

"Finally. Took you rodents long enough." Dr. Eggman turned to them. "Robots, ATTACK!"

POV: Shadow
Robots appeared from everywhere around us. I got into my fighting position. Even though I had never fought before, I was ready for this. I still remembered everything my dad taught me. A robot came towards me.

"Chaos spear!" It exploded when I hit it.

"We got you now Eggman!" A group of three Mobians appeared at the scene.

"What?! Not you three!" Eggman yelled at them.

"Knuckles, Amy, you take care of the robots. I will talk to them." The two-tailed fox said. The echidna and hedgehog nodded and went to destroy some of the robots while the kid went to us. "Wait... Sally... Is that you..?" He asked.

"Tails! It's so good to see you again!" Sally said and hugged him. Rouge and I looked at each other then back at them. We had no clue what was going on.

"What are you doing here? Who are those two?" The fox asked.

"A long story short, we need to save Sonic. And that is Shadow and Rouge, they're friends of mine." Sally explained quickly.

"You mean... Sonic is still alive?" He asked.

"We don't have to time for this." I interrupted their conversation. "We need to get this man to tell us where he is. And we can't do that if we just stand here."

"Tails! We got him!" The echidna shouted who had his foot on top of the fat man's back to keep him down. All the robots were destroyed, just by the two of them. I walked up to them and grabbed the man by the throat, lifting him into the air.

"Where is he?!" I growled but he didn't answer. "Listen carefully. You're gonna tell us where he is. And if not, I will end you!"

"Near... Bloodroad... at a field.. it's the only house there.." He answered while gasping for air. I threw him onto the ground.

"You're still gonna pay for what you did to my lover." I growled as I glared at him. "Chaos blast!" That was all it took to kill him. The others stared at me in shock.

"We need to talk." Sally said to break the silence. "I know everyone is confused."

"Yea. What are you doing here and who are those two?" He asked.

"I'm Rouge and this is Shadow." Rouge said and pointed over to me. "We're friends of Sally."

"And who are you?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"I'm Tails. This is Knuckles and that is Amy." Tails answered and pointed at them. "We are the last members of Team Sonic."

"Sonic had his own team?" Rouge asked in shock.

"I told you he was a hero before this all happened." Sally said.

"So you know Sonic?" Tails said. We nodded.

"He is my boyfriend." I said. The three of them looked at me in shock. "He got kidnapped and we came to save him."

"We thought he was dead." Knuckles said with a confused look.

"Well he's not. Here is proof." I unlocked my phone and showed them pictures of Sonic and me.

"I can't believe it." Amy mumbled.

"Are you guys in to help us?" Sally asked. They nodded. "Great. So does anyone know where Bloodroad is?" She asked.

"I do. It's near the beach I met Sonic." I answered.

"Alright then, lead the way."

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