chapter 16

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POV: Sonic
I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I was in Shadow's bedroom.

How did I get here?

I got out of bed and left the room. I heard voices coming from downstairs. I went downstairs and found Shadow, Rouge, and Sally with some other Mobians. They seemed so familiar.

"Sonic, you're awake." Shadow was the first one to notice me. He walked up to me and hugged me before giving me a peck on the lips. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I answered and wrapped my arms around his neck. "But what happened?"

"We saved you from Mephiles. He will never hurt you again." Shadow placed his hand on my cheek.

"You mean you..?" I held his hand and looked him in the eyes. I couldn't believe it.

"Yes. I will do anything to protect you." He said and caressed my cheek.

"Thank you." I said and leaned into his touch as I purred.

"Do you still remember them?" He asked and pointed at the others who were sitting on the sofa.

"No... but they seem so familiar.." I answered.

"It's me! You're little brother Tails. And of course, you have Knuckles and Amy. We're your teammates, you know, from Team Sonic."

Wait... I remember now...

"T-Tails?! It's been so long since we have seen each other." I let go of Shadow and went over to hug him.

"You remember?" He asked and hugged back.

"I do now." I answered.

"I want a hug as well." Knuckles said and joined the hug. Amy did as well.

"We're so happy to see you." She said.

"So am I." I smiled and hugged all of them tightly.

"That's enough hugging." Shadow pulled me away from them. "I want to be able to cuddle with my boyfriend." He sat down with me on his lap.

"You're so in need for my attention all the time." I chuckled and cuddled him.

"I can't help it. I'm addicted to your attention." Shadow said with a chuckle.

"I love you." I gave him a peck on the cheek.

"I love even more." Shadow pulled me in for a kiss and of course, I kissed back.


POV: 3rd person
A year had passed. Now that there was no threat to the world, Team Sonic was finally able to live a normal life. Tails, Knuckles, and Amy had moved to the same town the others lived in. They're all going to the same school. The love between Sonic and Shadow was getting stronger each day. They stayed together almost all the time. Shadow almost never left his boyfriend's side. He always wanted to make sure that the one he loved was okay. Sonic didn't mind at all. He enjoyed having the other's company. After college, they were planning to live together in a beautiful house in a nearby village. But for now, they had to do it with the dorm they were in. There was one problem though, the fans. Shadow was very open with their relationship. He didn't care if they were in public, he wanted to show his love towards his boyfriend. So, of course, it was no secret that they were dating. The whole school knew about it. Some students couldn't help but like how cute they were together, others thought it was hot to see them making-out, and others thought it was sexy to see Sonic's blushing face when Shadow was saying sexual things to him.

"You're so adorable." Shadow smirked as he nibbled on his boyfriend's ear.

"S-Stop it!" Sonic mumbled and hid bis blushing face in his soft and fluffy chest fur. "You have been doing this for the whole period!"

"Can't I say what I think of my boyfriend?" Shadow asked which made the other sigh.

"You can... it's just-"

"Great. I just wanted to say that I enjoy fucking you because you feel so good from the inside~" Shadow whispered seductively in the other's ear which turned his boyfriend's face completely red.

"Shadow!" Sonic yelled out of embarrassment.

"Sonic, Shadow, out!" The teacher ordered the two to leave the classroom. Shadow grinned and grabbed their stuff before taking his boyfriend's hand and leaving the classroom.

"Shad- Mmhhp!" Sonic was kissed by his dominant boyfriend who had pinned him against the lockers.

"You're all mine now." Shadow kissed Sonic's collarbone and got soft moans for it in return.

"Sonadow!" Both the hedgehogs' ears perked up. They looked to the direction it came from and saw a group of girls walking towards them. Shadow pulled away and held his boyfriend's hand.

"Can we take a picture of you two?" One of the girls asked.

"Of course." Shadow answered with a small grin on his muzzle. Sonic was already blushing, he always was when they did something in public. The girl smiled and grabbed her phone, ready to take a picture. Shadow wrapped an arm around Sonic's waist and kissed his cheek. This made Sonic smile and blush even more.


The girl smiled and thanked them before leaving with her group of friends.

"How come you're always more friendly around girls?" Sonic asked.

"I don't trust boys. They could try to take you away from me." Shadow said and held his boyfriend's waist.

"I wouldn't want to be with them anyway." Sonic said and wrapped his arms around the other's neck. "I only want to be with you."

"You're mine. And I will always protect you."

"I'm yours. And I will always be protected by you."


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