chapter 5

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POV: Shadow
Sonic and I were standing in front of my house. Sonic was really nervous so I held his hand for comfort. I knocked on the door. Not much later, my mom opened the door.

"Oh my sweet baby boy, I missed you." She said and hugged me tightly. I growled lowly.

I hate it when she calls me that.

"And who is this?" She asked and turned to Sonic.

"This is Sonic. He's my friend." I answered.

"H-Hey." Sonic said shyly.

"Hello Sonic. Nice to meet you. I'm Maria, Shadow's mother, well, stepmother." My mom shook his hand.

"Th-The pleasure is all mine." Sonic said.

"Come inside." My mom stepped aside and we walked in. Sonic stayed close by my side. "Stripes, look who's here." She said. My little brother came running from the stairs. He looked at me then at Sonic.

"Who is the blue boy?" Stripes asked.

"Sonic, a friend of your brother." My mom answered.

"Yay! Someone to play with!" Stripes said, getting all excited.

"He's my friend, not yours." I growled at him.

"Mom! Shadow doesn't want to let me play with Sonic." He whined.

"Sonic is with Shadow. He isn't here for you." My mom said. Stripes pouted and crossed his arms.

"Ah, we have a guest I see." My dad walked up to us and shook Sonic's hand. "I'm Shadow's father, Black Doom. Who are you?"

"M-My name is Sonic." Sonic answered.

"Looks like my son finally got himself a boyfriend." My dad said with a small grin. Sonic just looked at him confused as I blushed a little.

"We... We aren't dating.." I said and cleared my throat.

"That's kinda disappointing." He said.

"Let's just change the subject." I said and rolled my eyes.


We had been sitting at the dinner table for what felt like hours. We were just chatting with each other. My parents seemed to like Sonic which is great. When they asked him to tell more about himself, he told us that he had been in an accident and lost his memory. His parents died in the accident so he was raised by his uncle. This shocked me. I didn't know how to react to it. I felt sorry for him, I really did. When he started to cry quietly, it hit me. I pulled him into an embrace and rubbed his back to comfort him.

"I'm here for you. And I will always be." I whispered in his ear. I eventually got him to calm down. He stayed in my arms so I moved him onto my lap.

"Sonic! Sonic! Sonic!" Stripes came running to us, again. He did this every ten minutes. "Do you want to play with me?" He asked.

"Of course he wants." My mom said so I glared at her. "He can use a distraction right now." She said. Sonic slowly nodded and went together with Stripes upstairs.

"What did you do that for?!" I growled at my mom.

"You like like him, don't you?" She asked as she smiled.

"What?... No..." I mumbled and crossed my arms as I looked away.

"You can't hide something like that from us, son. We know you too well." My dad said.

"Alright fine. I love him. There, you got it." I grumbled.

"You have our permission to date him. He's perfect for you." My mom said and took my hand into hers.

"When are you planning to confess and ask him to be your boyfriend?" My dad asked.

"I don't know. I think I have to wait for a while. I can't just walk over to him and say that I love him." I replied.

"That's exactly what you need to do." He said.

"I don't know if I have the guts to do that." I sighed. "I will see how things go."


It was getting late. Sonic and I were staying here for the night. And he wanted to sleep with me again, just like yesterday. Stripes was already in bed while the two of us sat downstairs on the sofa in the living room. We were watching random funny videos on YouTube. I noticed Sonic was getting sleepy. And I was too. Sonic closed his eyes and fell asleep as he leaned against me. I put my phone aside and caressed his cheek with my thumb. I closed my eyes as well and leaned against the chair arm of the sofa.


I opened my eyes and looked over at my mom who was taking pictures of us.

"Mom!" I hissed as quiet as possible. I didn't want to wake Sonic up.

"Sorry sweetie but it's so cute." She said. Sonic placed his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my chest. I smiled and petted him.


I groaned and got up before taking Sonic in my arms.

"I'm taking him to bed." I went upstairs and into my room. I laid Sonic on my bed and lay next to him. I pulled the covers over us and kissed his forehead. He smiled in his sleep. I couldn't help but hold him close against my chest. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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