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[A/N]: Hi there! Before we start reading, please remember to vote for Promise Me in the #Wattys2020 ! That will be very much appreciated!! Thank you, you may carry on!!

As weeks went by and several internals were completed, the end of the term was nearing the two week holidays.

Raihe walked to school in the fog that covered her entire view, as she dragged her shoes against the rough concrete. Her chest felt stuffy, and she couldn't breathe well. This was something she got used to eventually after all these years of having asthma.

Since she had woken up late and missed her alarm, she ran to the bus stop which's ten minutes from where she lives, to catch the next earliest bus.

All the running had caught her breath.

Raihe walked into her biology class, her Fijian teacher stared her down, disappointment clear on her face.

"Why are you an hour late? We've already started period two." Her teacher asks, as she lifts her black-framed glasses. "Did you sign in at the student centre?" The teacher named Ms Mandi says all at once as she furrows her eyebrows.

"Yeah I did, I have the late pass," Raihe says as she struggles to breathe.

"Put it in the book," Ms Mandi says to her as she points to a book sitting on a stool filled with late pass stickers, "and sit down and open up your book. I'll come to you later after I've finished explaining to the class as I can't afford to deal with everyone at the same time, especially not with having students coming in late." She says as she rants to herself.

Raihe mentally rolls her eyes, quite used to her biology teacher making unnecessary comments all the time.

She smiles as she spots her friend Maryam and biology-classmate, Sophie, sitting down as they smile back at her.

"So freaking annoying," Raihe whispers to them as she sits on the stool and behind the bench in between the two of them.

"So what are we doing?" Raihe asks Sophie.

"I swear I don't even know what I'm doing," Sophie replies as she twirls the pen in her fingers.

Sophie's from Thailand. She's somewhat tall, has light brown skin, and hair that barely reaches her shoulders. She's built almost lanky, and she's the type of person that will sit back, and not ask the teacher any questions, even if it means a whole different grade on her test paper. And then will urge you to ask all the questions and gets the answers out of you, avoiding any trouble at all cost.

"Your report on Circulation, Respiration and Excretion will be due on the first week Friday when you come back in term three. I'm not accepting your reports any later than the due date. And Raihe, get yourself a chrome-book and open up your report document. I want no talking in here and remove yourselves from your friends, a chair away." The short teacher says.

She fixes up her glasses as she starts to type on her laptop behind her own desk that's located at the front of the class.

Raihe grabs herself a laptop, as she sits on the end of the bench, a few seats away from Maryam and Sophie like she was told to. She logs in, breathing out as she stifles a yawn.

• • •

"Hi Hind! We're outside on the field right now and it's lunchtime. Oh, by the way, Sajida is here and Saleha too." Raihe turns her phone camera to the two girls sitting beside her.

Promise Me / Yaksokhae • K.T.H Where stories live. Discover now