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Taehyung sees her lift her head up, looking around and out the bus window, then she opens up her bag and grabs some tissues, still sobbing like a child who's had a horrible nightmare. 

Taehyung sits down on a seat behind Jungkook who is busy filming the view from the bus, oblivious to the sobs of the pale- now red faced girl.

"Jungkook-ah, what are you doing?" He asks, tapping on his shoulder.

"I'm making a Golden Closet Film video, do you want to be in it?" Jungkook turns around, his camera still recording. He zooms in on Taehyung's face who looks worried.

He then zooms out and records the back of the bus from his seat, but as he looks into his camera he zooms upon a student a few years younger than him. He notices her face drenched in tears, ready to get up and confront her if she's okay, a hand shots out to his wrist and holds on to him.

"Hyung, I think the girl is crying. Shouldn't we comfort her?" Jungkook asks Taehyung as he looks down at him, his forehead scrunched with curiosity and worry. "I saw her crying too, maybe it'll be awkward if we just go up to her, we're strangers. Let's give her some space." Taehyung suggests to which Jungkook nods and sits back in his seat.

Namjoon is too busy talking to his mother on the phone, not realising the situation as he taps on the window. As his taps grow faster, sprinkles of rain hit against the window, hitting quicker and harder by the second until it's raining nonstop.

"Wah it's raining." Taehyung says as he looks out the window, the rain sounding like rocks that are being thrown at the bus.

Jungkook looks back at the girl who was crying, her eyes closed and her head against the window. The tears still visible on her face and her lips pouting as she whimpers.

He sighs and turns around to focus his camera on the grey sky, his hand flinching as he thinks about the young girl crying all alone in the rain.

Promise Me

My bus comes to a stop at the bus and train station as I quickly wet my face with water from my drink bottle, doing my best to cover up my puffy eyes so it doesn't seem as if I was crying.

After I'm done, I look around to find the top level bus empty like always. I get my backpack and walk downstairs and out of the empty bus, thanking the bus driver in a shaky voice as I get off.

"Oh Ah" I try to clear my voice, it still being shaky from all the crying. Before I can recover from the bad news my mother had told me not too long ago, I feel tears fill my eyes again as I think of my cat, being almost one he would've been the pet I had for the longest.

I've had too many pets for an average person, but kookie was my favourite. He was like another human being accept he was one that could understand me and comfort me.

I wipe my eyes with my hand, doing my best so everyone else at the station doesn't suspect me crying. It'll be awkward if they ask me how I am and then I start breaking down to a random person AND miss my bus to school and get late for prizegiving. I mean it is the last day of school.

My hands are wet from all the tears so I get my sleeves out and wipe my tears softly, pretending to be busying myself with something else.

• • •

"Guys, I think we came in the wrong bus. The bus has the same number but it was the bus that was from across the street that was going to the city." Namjoon says to Jungkook and Taehyung who start laughing at him.

"I'm sorry." He says, chuckling with the boys who pat him on the shoulder. Not surprised with what Namjoon has done, Jungkook suggests that they should call an Uber.

"Ah right, we still have that Uber driver that took us from the airport. Let's see if he's online so we can ask him to pick us up. It's hard to look for the right busses now, we might go the wrong way. Besides, the manager hyungs didn't get enough sleep so we couldn't ask them to come with us. Let's text the driver." Namjoon decides as he opens up his phone.

"Ah! We're lucky he's online. One moment, I'll text him."

• • •

Raihe's dad sits down after burying her cat in the front yard as he was told by the veterinarian neighbours who live down the street. They had suggested him that he could either take it to the vet and they'll deal with him there or he can bury it in the front or backyard. He had agreed to the latter as Raihe might've wanted him to stay close.

"Should I just bring her back? She must be crying all alone. She's soft hearted, she cries over simple things and now that kookie has passed away, she must be completely in shock." Her dad suggest to her mum.

"Didn't she have prizegiving today? She was very excited for it yesterday. She said she might win some awards. I don't think she should come back, she's a strong girl and she can hopefully take care of herself.  Kookie's already buried, she can't do anything when she comes back apart from mourning over him." Raihe's mum suggests who sighs as she looks down.

"He was a great cat. I was planning to get him a nice bed and some toys, and now this happens.
Life really can be taken from you in just seconds. We have to make sure the kids are extra careful from now on when they're going to school." He looks over at his wife who nods in reply.

"I'll get going now. I didn't go to work yesterday night so I'll have to do it now and keep my routine. I'm going to Uber around for a few hours and from there I'll pick up dodo from school if I can, tell one of the boys to take the kids to after school classes as I'll be busy." He informs her as he gets up, drinking the last of the green tea.

"You didn't even tell her you started Uber since last week, she would've been happy by the news. She'd always worry whenever you'd go to taxi." Her mum says as she gets a glass of water for herself.

He nods as his phone buzzes. He gets it out of his pocket, checking to see a customer texting him, the same customers that he picked up at the airport, the one Raihe was so excited about.

• • •

A few minutes by, the boys spot the Uber as they wait on the streets, soon enough the friendly driver stops the car right in front of them as they hop in greeting him with a smile.

"Thank you for coming, it was raining and we unfortunately took the wrong bus." Namjoon says in English, as he makes space for the other two to get in.

"It's okay." Raihe's dad reassures them as he starts driving.

"Oh, I was wondering would you be able to pick us up when we need you to? We're going to stay for just a few days and since we're familiar with you we would appreciate it very much." Namjoon says as he puts his seatbelt on.

"Okay, that's fine." He replies, still thinking about his daughter and whether if she'd reached school fine.

• • •

Hello! So I wrote some of this chapter right after posting the last one and I wrote in it here and there when I had time. How was the chapter? I'll see you all soon x

Promise Me / Yaksokhae • K.T.H Where stories live. Discover now