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Jinn: A demon spirit in Islam.

Bismillah: In the name of God

It has been three weeks since Dad was first admitted to the hospital. Not only that, but it has been three weeks since I lost my one and only keepsake phone. It has also been the fifth time I have gone to the library for my phone, laptop, and books, just to find out that they are still closed.

I rest my head on Dad's hospital bed, as he snores away. Both comfort and worry fill me up, as I think of Dad's health, and what exactly happened when I got the call that Dad was in the Hospital's Emergency section. He's supposed to get discharged tonight, but I also can't forget the life and death situation he was in. The horrifying image of him laying in the emergency room, all colours of lines connected to his body, and an oxygen mask placed on his face. The terrible thoughts I had when Zain first called me. I could've sworn I was going to experience a heart attack.

And also, whether what I saw during the night when it rained was truly Taehyung or just my crazy imagination playing up on me.

Maybe I was in distress, so God decided to let me hallucinate to grant me comfort and peace.

The comfort and peace being...him.

But what I saw must have been him. His dark eyes that hold a thousand stories and thoughts, and his deep voice that still gives me shivers when I think about it.

Or maybe it was too dark because that darn street light wasn't working, for you to see him clearly. And maybe the voice you heard was a jinn, which is why you're getting these shivers... orrr nevermind let's not think that.

It was definitely a hallucination, how does one see Kim Taehyung, worldwide superstar, loved by millions- so easily, especially in a situation like that. This isn't some Korean drama or a book raihe-a..

Dad's phone interrupts my thoughts as it rings loudly. The loud noise fills up the room as I run up to it in order to stop it from waking dad up. I have been using Dad's phone as a replacement for mine ever since I lost it.

Harrin, my third and one year older brother's name pops up. I accept the call and place it to my ear, as I walk out of the room. "Yo, I just drove past that library you were talking about, I thought they were closed?" He asks. "Library?" I question, "It is closed. Wait, are you implying that they are open again?"

"I guess, there were people going in and out of there so it must be open. Do you want me to pick you up, or should I go back and get your stuff by myself?" He asks. "If you're able to, then pick me up. You might forget something, so I'll just go in by myself to make sure I get all of my things," I decide, as I grab my bag from the chair it was sitting on.

"Cool, I'll be there in like 5 minutes so wait outside for me." Harrin says before ending the call. I wave a goodbye to my dad, his unconscious body lays still on the bed. I smile, before closing the door to his room.

By the time I reach the library it's 6pm, the sun's setting and the sky looks as colourful as ever. Birds make their way back home, car's are rushing from work, and a cool winter breeze hits my face as I leave the car. "I am going to park the car in the next street as there's no space here, I'll be waiting for you there." Harrin informs me, I simply nod at him and open the doors of the library.

The bells above the library door ring as I walk in, the library is quite packed, which is odd but as I take a look around, I can see why. The walls are painted a beautiful and simple light brown, and from the ceilings, there are different plants hanging. There's a brick wall section, where small lamps are lit next to where the fantasy books are. The whole library looks completely different from before, I feel as if though I am living in Hogsmeade, the mood and vibe exactly as I like it- Dark Academia and sort of 'witchy.'

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