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"Give me your hand and don't let go! Do you hear me? Raih—!" Before I could respond to his calls, the world seems to fade away as my vision fills with black spots, and before I know it, I'm gone.


It was 7am in the morning when the alarm went off. The buzzing noise irritated my ears as my phone vibrated on my nightstand. With one hand tucked under my stomach and the other trying to press the snooze button, I rolled over in my bed.

Only seven hours of sleep ugh

I get up and rub the sleep from my eyes, my mouth all dry and feeling dirty, I stand up to stretch my arms and legs. The lower side of my back slightly in pain from the weird positions I sleep in at night.

I rush to put my uniform on, with my headscarf in my left hand and my hairbrush in the other, I enter the bathroom. After being dressed I brush my long golden brown straight hair and tie it up into an uneven bun which will soon fall out. With the bun being tied I reach over to get my toothbrush and paste where I brush my teeth followed by some mouthwash. Holding my chiffon scarf together with safety pins around my head, I go downstairs with my school bag slung over my right shoulder and the cup of water that I forgot to finish. I get my water bottle out of the refrigerator and take the blankets off both my younger brothers asleep in the living room, who groan and whine in response.

"Get up, it's already 8am! You're going to be late." I say as I exaggerate the time as usual.

Their school starts at 9am however I wake them up with me as I am going out to school since mum is usually tired so she relies on me to wake them both up. There's another one upstairs who always scolds me for waking him up, who's a year older than me, Harrin.

My family can be seen as big to others, but to me it's same old same. I mean, all of my aunties and uncles have large families so it's nothing out of the usual. There's only one difference in all of our families, and that is the fact that I am the only daughter between  five boys. Yes I know, that's a lot of kids in a family but there's no going back now. As much as I dislike my siblings I can't do anything but care for them, I mean we are from the same womb.

Much to my dismay, the clock reads ten to eight, which basically means I should have been out of the house by now. I run and put my socks and shoes on, without having breakfast as usual. I take my bus card out of my bag and into my pockets as I untangle my earphones and turn my phone on.

Every weekday in the morning when I have school, I have to take a 10 minute walk from my house to the bus stop where I go to school. This is the best time where I can relax and enjoy walking - which has become something I do not do often, at all- i turn the volume almost to the loudest and start listening to 4 o'clock by Taehyung and Namjoon, who are members of BTS, artists that I've connected and bonded with without even meeting them in-person for the last 3 years.

I walk as fast as my feet can go in order for me not to miss the bus which comes every 15 minutes, at least they claim to come every 15 minutes when in reality they take something's over half an hour.

The birds chirp and the red leaves rustle under the breeze that comes from the trees. Just like everyday, I walk past the small white house with the short fence. The old korean lady is shouting the same words every morning to her little puppy who seems to be always barking at me. "Andwae! Andwae! (stop, stop!)" She shouts at him, trying to prevent him from barking. I nod my head and smile at her to show her that it's okay as she returns back the smile.

I've wanted to greet her in Korean with what I've learnt, which I'm sure she'll appreciate as she lives alone, but I don't want to startle her and say it out of nowhere, so I've never gotten the chance to talk to her.

After a few minutes of walking I reach the traffic light where I press the button for me to be able to cross the road. I see my bus coming towards the traffic light, where I panic daily knowing that it'll pass by me and I'll have to wait another 30 minutes. Having to take two buses to school morning and afternoon takes an hour all together, so I don't want to be late. Thankfully the traffic light goes red for the bus and green for me, signalling me that I can cross the road.

I run to the bus stop in time and enter the double decker blue bus. As per normal I sit at the second row seats behind the stairs at the top level, I look at the beautiful view ahead of me as I listen to Taehyung's familiar voice.

Around half an hour later I reach the dark blue gates of our school. Greeted by my bestfriend and my closest cousin, we finally sit down on the benches located near the main office.

"Can you believe it? Should I tell you? You'll be too shocked!" My cousin Aydin nudges me on the shoulder.

"What is it this time?" I say as I scroll down through my Instagram feed.

"Guess!" She orders me.

I frown at her, not being able to communicate so early in the morning.

"Don't tell me it's your BTS stuff, is it?" My best friend Hoor interrupts.

"Why, what happened?" I ask, an interest sparking between my words.

"I told you, you won't believe me." She says still grinning at me.

"Bangtan is coming to New Zealand for concerts and the filming of Bon Voyage." She announces.

A loud thump goes through my ears, my heart starting to pump faster. An uneasy feeling settles in the pit of my stomach as my hands get sweaty.


My first chapter of this bts fanfic! So excited for y'all to read this book! It's different than the usual fanfic- it has ethnic and religious people you don't usually see in a bts fanfic. But credits to all the amazing and hardworking Authors out there :) Hope you can tell all your friends to give this book a go! Thanks for voting!

- reumii

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