14. Conversation part 1

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"Can, there's something else I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I will tell my Baba everything, your coming with me."

Sanem grabbed Can by the hand and started to walk towards the car, they got in the car. Sanem and Can didn't spoke, she was nervous, but he was so proud of her for everything she was doing. She was getting the courage that she didn't have before. They got to he parent's house, she opens the door, her parents where in the kitchen, Sanem and Can took their shoes off, Sanem grabbed Can's hand and she lead the way in to the kitchen. When they walked in the kitchen, both of her parents just started at them speechless.


"What is going on here?" Nihat asked, Mevkibe just looked at Nihat scared

"Baba, Can and I are back, and now is for good. I understand you are upset, and want us to divorse, but we can't. We won't"

"Say's who?"

"Me!" She was very secure with her answer

"I love him, and he loves me. We have made decisions that has taken us to regret but we both have learned from it. Plus Baba I can't live without him, like how he can't live without me."

"I'm sorry, pretty little thing of mine, But your grandpa can't find out about you at the moment, he will later I promise." she thought.

Can noticed Sanem didn't want to say anything about the baby and he was ok with it, because he knew she wanted to convince her parents especially her dad they were together because of love, not because of the baby.

Mevkibe looked at Can and at Sanem, she saw her daughter's eyes were glowing but it was a different type of glow, she automatically new her daughter was pregnant. Mevkibe was going to speak, but Can looked at her closed his eyes telling her to not say anything. Mevkibe nodded, Nihat didn't see this conversation, because Mevkibe was standing kind of behind him and was looking at Sanem, not paying attention to anything else.

"Nihat, look sit down, talk to Sanem, meanwhile I will talk to Can" Mevkibe said

"Good idea" he responded

Nihat sat with Sanem at the kitchen table, while Mevkibe took Can to the livin room upstairs.

Mevkibe and Can talking, they sat on the big couch

"She's pregnant!" She said in a soft exiting voice

"Yes" he answer smiling, but he knew the hardest question was coming

"What are you guys going to do?"

"Nothing, have were going to have the baby?"

"And the divorse?"

"Were not getting a divorse" Mevkibe had a smile from ear to ear

"Is it because of the baby?"

"No. Mevkibe, you know I love her, you know everything we have suffered, you know everything we have gone through. You have seen your daughter crying, you haven't seen me, but..."

"But, I do see the pain in your eyes, Can. I do see it. I always have seen it, specially at the hospital, I was able to see how broken you were, I would say you were even more broken than her and that's when I knew you really regretted everything you did. I was going to stop you, but I decided not to intervene in your relationship. I payed attention to every word you said, and it hurt me, but I know is the truth, I know we have protected her too much, and these are the consequences of so much protection. Please forgive us."

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