4. Regret

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With his mind being in another world and not thinking on how "cautious" he needed to be he drove in front of the building at the same time that Sanem was coming out of the building, and she saw him, all she was able to do was yell "CAN?" Can had his windows down and heard her, he turned his face to look at her, and the second that he lost contact with the road he crashed into a semi-truck.


Sanem was in shock, she couldn't move, her body wasn't responding, everyone was yelling, saying to call the police, ambulance, all she was able to do was listen, but not move. "His dead, his dead!" A woman yells! Samen hearing those words was like she got stab with a stick through her heart, and she passed out.

Ene though he wasn't going super fast, the way he hit the truck ended up destroying the entire font. Can's head was leaning on the wheel, his head was bleeding badly. A man reached in a try to find pulse from his neck. "He's alive! I can feel a pulse, he's alive. His pulse is very vague, but I can feel it! The man yelled. At that moment the 5 people that were left in the building came out. "Sanem!" Kerem yelled! "Samen? Sanem? please wake up, please! He's alive Sanem, he's alive. Please wake up" Kerem was yelling. His wife went into her purse and took out the perfume that she had in it. But Sanem wasn't responding.

"Where is the ambulance?" another man yelled. "We need an ambulance NOW!"

The police, ambulance and firefighters arrived. The head firefighter, got down and looked at the scene, he noticed the driver seat door was going to be a little hard to open, and he saw Can's feet were under the wheel. Also, his right arm was on the dashboard, and the Wheel and the seat were squishing him. They weren't going to be able to take him out through the door, the best way would be the roof, and take the wheel and the back of the seat and then they will be able to take him out. But before they can start with anything, Can needed imited first aid, he was bleeding all over his head, arms, and he had a very low pulse. A paramedic carefully got him on IV on his left arm, and than not trying to move his head he put a C-collar and oxygen. Since Can was unconscious and he wasn't able to move his head at all he had to hold the oxygen for Can, while they open up the roof and got him out of the car.

Meanwhile, another EMT was aiding Samen, who was still unconscious. They put Sanem on a spine board and got her in the ambulance, with some IV and also some oxygen. They laid her down on the long seat that the ambulance has.

The firefighters took the roof off, and took the back of the seat off too, once they had half of his body on the spine board, they will be able to take the wheel off and then pull him out. They were putting him down carefully on the spine board he woke up yelling, "OWW!"

Everyone stopped, The police officer was holding him so he wouldn't fall, one of the firefighters went to can's right side and the EMT that was on the left looked to make sure he was ok, to be put on the spine board, and he was. "Don't move me, it hurts me" Can yell, and continue with a painful voice and tears in his eyes "Allah what happen? What is going on?" "Sir, listen to me, you got in a car accident and we are trying to take you out, please tell me where does it hurt?"

"All over, but especially my head" "Sir, I know it hurts but we need to put you on the spine board so we can finish here, and get you out. Just take a deep breath and we will move the board closer to you, so you move less. ok?" "evet". The firefighter that was holding the board lift it up more and the cop had to move to Can's right side, they put the board even closer to him. Once his back was on the bard, they put a thick blanket over him, so they can cut the wheel, without hurting him. Right before they were going to cut the wheel he said "Sanem, where is Sanem?" Can asked with a painful voice "Sir, there was no sanem here with you" "No, she ummm she was about to grab a cab, when I crash she was... WOW! My head is spinning, where is Samen, ALLAH my head, my head is about to explode!, But Sanem, I need to know where she is at!" "Sir, please calm down, you had a major car accident, if Sanem if the lady that is unconscious in the ambulance than she's ok, she just past out, but she is ok. "What do you mean she's in the ambulance. Holly SHIT! My head is killing me." ''Sir, I really need you to listen to me, if you ever want to see Sanem again, I need to cooperate with us so we can take you out. Please! You need to get to a hospital fast."

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