12. The truth part 2

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Mevkibe and human got up, Human looked at Can like he was the worst man in the world and walked towards the door to leave, he didn't really cared because he knew why his mom was looking at him like that. But Mevkibe approached to Can and Sanem, Can got in a sort of protective mode just in case she would try to hit Sanem again, but she smiled at Sanem and slap Can in the face. Than she grabbed her stuff and walked away.


Just a heads up, this chapter is a little long :)

Sanem turned to Can, he had a tear on his left cheek. He has never been slapped in the face before and especially from someone that was precious to him. Sanem cupped his face, made him look at her and said "I'm sorry, love. I'm so sorry, is your cheek ok?"

"I'm fine, I'm just surprised. Though I should have seen it coming, first she tried to slap you, and then comes up to us smiles and I just should've seen it. But I'll be fine"

Sanem knew why he was crying, she knew he respected her mom, and love her like the mom he never had, and that hit him hard.

"What are we going to do?" Sanem said with tears in her eyes "She's going to tell my Baba." She had a semi panic voice and covering her head with her hands

"Sanem, look at me." Sanem looked at him "Everything will be fine, if your Baba comes and tries to do something I will always protect you, I respect him and your Anne, but the same way I protected you from her, I will do from him, or anyone else. Don't worry my love, everything will be ok." He said smiling her, Sanem still had a worried face Can hugged her and said

"Sanem, there is only thing we can do, and that is that we move in together."

"Here?" She knew that her moving in with Can was the best thing, she was upset about the situation, but there is nothing she could of done. What's done is done and Can was with her, he gave her all the strength she needed for whenever she was going to face her Baab

"For now, yes." he answered

"But, Can. Leila and Emre live here."

"Sanem, we would need to buy a house, my hut is not set up for a married couple."

"What about the other hut?"

"Well, it does have one room, we can go and you can look at it, if you like it then we can move in."

"Yes, I would love to." she said smiling, "Lets go now."

"Sanem, I can't drive."

"You can't, but I can" she said laughing

"I don't know, last time you drove a car, we were stuck in the woods" He said laughing

"I guess, I don't have a choice. Tamam lets go, I'll call a cab." Can said

"No, Can I can drive."

"OK" he agreed. He knew he was going to regret it. But, he loves to see Sanem happy, and they already have had an interesting morning, so he was going to let her be happy.

Sanem when to Can's room to grab both of their wallets and Can's keys, they were walking towards the door when, Emre and Leila walked in.

"What are you guys doing here, it's early?" Can asked

"Anne called me..." Emre started talking

"Of Course she did" Can cuts him off annoyed

Emre continued "well, she said we are the worst kids in the wolrd, that shes going to have a heart attack because of us, she said that Mevkibe and her were waiting in the dinning room for th two of you two to come out of the room, and she said more stupid stuff that to be honest I don't want to remember. So Leila and I decided to come back ASAP and make sure you guys are ok?"

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