Chp 14:

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I walk inside and back to the room I had been staying in, as I dry myself off and change then lay in my bed. My face flushing red hot and my eyes shut.

How could I be so damn stupid. I was so ashamed of myself.

This trip had everyone off the wall. All I could do was stare at the ceiling that's when I hear a faint knock at my door before it opens and in walks Eli.

I abruptly sit up and he looks at me. I could see his breathing was slightly quickened as I watch him lock the door. My eyes shoot up to look at him and there's a lustful but almost animalistic look in his eyes as he approaches me.

He grabs my legs and pulls me towards him. As he crawls onto the bed; his lips connect with mine. I run my hands in his dirty blonde hair as his hands travel up an down my waist then my torso and up to my chest.

The scent of his cologne radiates off of his body as I wrap my legs around his waist and he flips me over, I straddle him now as he lay on his back and his hands continue to travel up and down my body.

"You know this is wrong, right?" I whisper against his lips. "I honestly don't give a fuck right now." He whispers back as he lifts my shirt over my head; exposing my now bare chest and he looks at me.

He looks to be taking me in, I watch his eyes scan up an down my body. His index finger tracing down the middle of my back as I lean in and kiss him, my hands placed on either side of his face.

I smirk as I raise my hips a little and then lower myself again as he wraps his arms around my back and pulls me directly against his chest.

I let out soft moans against his lips as he groans in pleasure and grinds with me.

This was ecstasy.


I woke up in a panic as I look to my left and see Eli's naked body laying next to me. The only thing just barely covering him was a white sheet that was half draped over his asscheeks.

I let out a gasp and instantly cover my mouth as I recall what had happened last night. I was fully naked as well as I feel my pulse quicken and I pull myself out of the bed then dart to the bathroom; which happened to be connected to the bedroom.

I lock the door and slide down to the floor, leaning back against it.

What the actual flying fuck had I just done.
I was awful.

I take what seems like an eternity to gather myself as I pee, brush my teeth and pull back my hair then I toss on an oversized T-shirt of mine that I had left on the bathroom countertop.

Opening the bathroom door slowly; as to not wake him-I tip toe my way through the room to put on a pair of shorts and then I exit.

Fuck fuck fuck. I was so fucked.

I can't contain the repulsiveness I felt as I go down the stairs and head for the kitchen.

I couldn't believe what I had done. My sister and my brother-in-law sit outside eating breakfast and I don't know whether to go out there and join them; and act like nothing ever happened or whether I should throw myself off a bridge for the mistake I had just made.

I go with option one and head out there. Slowly sitting down next to Tess, as she and Nick converse and then say good morning to me.

"How was your night?" My sister asks and I can feel my face flush.

"Oh it was alright. I was pretty tired...I ended up turning in kind of early." I shrug.

"Kirst have you happened to see Eli anywhere? He and I were going to head to the beach after I had breakfast. Wanted to see if we could surf for a bit." Nick says.

I feel my face flush hotter. "Umm I'm not sure. I actually haven't seen him. He might've gone for a run. I know he said something about wanting to get a workout in in the morning." I tell him. Nick nods.

I knew that they didn't know but I felt like they knew.
I was so uncomfortable. And as if I couldn't get more uncomfortable; out walks the devil himself.

Eli steps onto the patio. He's wearing a pair of gray jogger sweatpants and a black T-shirt. Not what he had on last night.

His hair is contained under a cap and he's got a bottle of orange juice in his hand as he takes a seat next to Nick. Sitting directly across the table from me.

"There you are. Where've you been?" Asks his brother. Eli clears his throat before speaking.

"I went for a walk. I want to stretch out the muscles a bit before we hit the water." He says.

"So you still down to go ", "Hell yeah. I could use a little action." He says, a smirk pulls at his lips and I catch him glimpse briefly at me before standing back up and getting ready to leave.

"Alright you two have fun and be careful." Tess says as she and Nick kiss goodbye. Meanwhile Eli takes a swig of his drink and lowers his sunglasses to cover his eyes.

But I could still feel his gaze on me. This was so bad.

The guys leave and I feel myself sink into the patio chair as I pull one of my knees up towards my chest.

"What's gotten into you? You seem out of it."

"Nothing sorry. I think I'm just kind of jet lagged still."

"Well get yourself ready. You, me and Ava are going to have a girls day." My sister stands also as she lightly pats my knee and heads back inside too.
Don't fuck your brother-in-law is a simple task and yet here I was last night, high, horny, and tipsy.

Nice work Kirsten.


My apologies for getting this chapter uploaded so late! Work has been keeping me extremely busy these last few weeks but I will be going on vacation shortly so that means much more time to write!

I hope you enjoy this chapter, please don't forget to like, comment, share and follow and definitely let me know what you think of this duo and their storyline dynamic! I'm honestly so curious.

Anyways enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Kiana :)

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