Chp 15:

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Nick and I make it to the beach and we go rent some boards from a surf shop that was just a few miles from the beach.

As we carry them an then set them down in the sand I see a girl on the beach; headed into the water that reminds me of Kirsten.

"You ready?" Nick puts his wet suit on and then I do the same as I give my brother a nod.

"Yeah yeah. Sorry." I can see my brother shoot me a questioning glance before he heads for the water and I follow not far behind.

We surf several waves and after catching the fifth one we decide to just take a break as we both straddle the boards and float in the waves that were starting to calm down a bit.

"What's on your mind? You seem distracted." Nick says and I snap out of my day dreaming.

"Nah I'm straight. Sorry I've just been thinking a lot about this...situation with our half sister. Still weirds me out." I was half-way bullshitting him.

My mind had been on the chaos that involved Katia yes but I had also been so laser focused on the night I had just had with Kirsten.

I didn't know if I felt shame or regret or what but I felt some type of way.

Don't get me wrong the sex was unmatched. I kept replaying it in my head.

Watching her eyes roll back and the feeling of her nails digging in my shoulder as I matched with her movements.

The gasps and soft moans against my ear an lips when I wrapped my hand around her throat...respectfully.
The smell of her perfume. That feeling of ecstasy when we both got their at the exact same time.

I can feel a smirk pulling at my lips without a second thought.

"What's funny?" Nick asks and I snap back to reality again. "Sorry I was thinking of something funny I saw on my phone earlier."
He looks at me again then lays down and starts paddling away to catch another wave.




Was it wrong I wanted more. It was a bad decision definitely but it was so hot.

Snap out of it dumb-ass I tell myself.

Tess, Ava and myself all spent the afternoon running from store to store then we finally decide to stop by a bistro to grab lunch.

Not long after we are seated I find my sister staring at me.

"What..?" I ask her softly. "What aren't you telling me?" She raises a brow and I can feel my stomach drop.

"Why do you think I'm not telling you something?"

"I just know you Kirst. I can just tell."

There was no way in hell I was going to tell her what I did. "Okay fine...I've been talking with someone that's it." I lie.

"Really? That's exciting why am I just now hearing of this?" I rest back into my seat. "I didn't think I needed to tell you about everyone I'm seeing." She frowns.

"Well you don''s just we used to tell each other most things and now I feel like we never just talk."

I can feel myself internally sigh.

Secrets (The 3rd book in The Billionaire's Son Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now