Chp 11:

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I receive several texts from Nick, all of them containing any information that he could give me on his half sister. I told him to stay calm as my detectives and I try and do a little digging on this woman.

"Lieutenant , here's the rest of what we could find on her." One of my detectives hands me a few more pieces of paper and I look over them and nod as I read. I stand up and grab my gun and badge as I head out the door and over to speak with Nick.

I hadn't seen him in several years, and of course the only times we visited with one another was on rather negative terms. I drive across town and meet him at the home that they were renting. He comes outside and we exchange 'hellos' as he leads me indoors and to the kitchen area.

"I wish I had better news for you." I say as we sit. Nick sighs. I slide the folder over to him and he begins to read. His eyes grow wide. "I...I don't understand...this says she was in jail....and what's this about her being affiliated to these guys? This sounds like some kind of joke?"

"What I'm assuming she failed to tell you is that she has an uncle who has been connected to some pretty dangerous groups of people. I got in contact with some friends of mine that work with the narcotics unite. One of her uncles, that one right there-"

I point to a mugshot of a mid forties guy. I had stapled some paperwork to his mugshot and I watch as Nick reads it. "Her uncle who's name is Damon Whitaker has served time and has had his share of charges. Armed robbery, grand theft, assault with a deadly weapon, assault with deadly force, narcotics, illegal possession of a firearm, and distribution of an illegal substance." 

Nick looks like he's seen a ghost, he looks pale in the face as he lowers the file. "How is he out walking?" I get asked. "I haven't gotten to the worst part....he has a warrant out for him in New York, Houston, and here in Los Angeles too." 

"And I will ask you the fuck is he out and walking?", "He served his time but the dude's been a ghost for the last five years. No one can track him."

Nick starts to laugh in a panic. I raise a brow; as he rubs his temples. "Swear I've got some kind of damn hex on my life, I cannot go a day without some type of negativity affecting myself or my family." He tells me.

"I want you to calm down. I don't personally believe she's got any ill intent with you or your family. But she's definitely going to be on our radar. It's her uncle I'm most concerned about if i'm being honest.

 If it's possible, I want you to just enjoy your trip as best as you can." I knew that request was easier said than done but if he or his family started to get nervous, it would only bring negative implications.

"Yeah...okay. Fine." He says, he looks to be zoning out as I speak to him and when I tap lightly on the counter, he snaps back into reality.

"Is there any concern that she's in contact with him? Do I need to be fearing for my or my families life?" He asks. I felt conflicted as I didn't want to respond with a 'yes' but I also didn't want to say 'no'. 

"Things are too murky right now...I'm sorry. We don't have enough information on her involvement and as of right now she hasn't made any threats so we can't do much other than keep a watchful eye." I tell him honestly. 

 "I hear you. I appreciate you taking the time to come over and tell me this. Thanks, man." He stands and I do as well. We shake hands and I give him a half hearted smile before I get on my way.


I walk Wyatt to the door and he leaves the property. As I go back to spend time with my family. The kids were asleep by this time, so all of the adults were sitting around a fire pit that sits on the large patio in the backyard.

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