chapter thirty

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a/n - holy shit. i haven't written a chapter in this book since july; i'm so sorry. happy 2020 everyone ! if y'all want a little life update, my tennis team won the entire league, and i finished my first semester of this school year with straight A's !

"i know this jenkins dude has to have a record. we just gotta get his file."

five, allison, and i were all passengers in diego's car.

five was riding shotgun, while allison and i were stuck in the backseats.

we hadn't interacted a lot. she seemed nice enough to be around, though. something about her just seemed a bit strange to me.

allison narrowed her eyes at diego's words, scoffing.

"and your plan is to what? waltz in there and just ask for it?" she snickered, shaking her head.

we were parked right outside the police station.

"i know this station like the back of my hand, sis. i've spent a lot of time inside." diego fired back, looking at her through the review mirror.


"whatever." diego rolled his eyes. "here's the plan-"

"plan?" five interrupted, furrowing his brows. "i'm just gonna blink in and get the file."

"or i can." i raised my hand, shrugging. "i think it'd be a bit more simple."

five shook his head at me through the review mirror in response.

"no." he mouthed.

"that's not-" diego huffed. he turned around to look at me, squinting his eyes.

"you're going to get allison and i arrested if you just go in there." he pointed at me.

"how?" i asked, throwing my hands in the air. if anything, diego would.

"five has a better chance than you getting in there. he can teleport. if you just walk in there, they would see you immediately." diego explained, motioning to me.

i shook my head.

"my idea was to..." i trailed off, a small smirk rising on to my face as i studied diego's look of shock at my sudden disappearance.

"where'd she go?" allison asked, looking in my direction with wide eyes.

"like i said," i quickly reappeared. "i can go in."

both adults looked at eachother with wide eyes.

five continued to shake his head at my offer. "yes, she has fucking powers. but," he pointed back at me. you're not going in."

diego huffed from his seat, "neither of you are going. you guys don't know the ins and outs of this place, okay?"

fuve narrowed his eyes. "i literally just did this yesterday."


"my yesterday, not your yesterday." he corrected himself. "it'll take me two seconds. why can't i just go-"

"listen to me." diego interrupted, looking to his brother. "you are not going in there. elle is not going in there. i made a call."

he shrugged, "that's what a leader does. he leads."

five rolled his eyes, "yeah, yeah. just get us the fucking file."

diego sent him a look before stepping out of the car, suspiciously walking to an alleyway.

"isn't this just great." i mumbled sarcastically, my arm resting on the door as i leant my head, my eyes following diego's figure as he walked farther away.

"amazing, actually." allison snickered in reply, sighing.

the silence that had come upon the three of us was slightly uncomfortable, seeing as allison was pretty much third wheeling.

though, she didn't know that.

"since when have you had powers?" allison asked out of the blue, interrupting my thoughts. "five mentioned something about you being a walking campfire." she rose her fingers in quotations.

i smiled shyly, "yeah... i can control heat and turn invisible."

"the invisibility is new." five added, leaning his head against the window.

i nodded at allison. "i found out a couple of days ago."

allison's brows furrowed, "how?"

five sent me a look though the review mirror.

she didn't need to know about our short employment in the commission.

"irrelevant." we spoke in sync.

allison sent us a strange look, shaking her head. "all right, well i gotta make a call. there's a phone stand at the end of the street."

at her words, my eyes trailed along the sidewalk, landing at a telephone booth at the edge.

"alright." five replied, stepping out of the car.

i followed after them.

get well soon. | five hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now