chapter twenty-seven

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"follow my lead. stay safe. and whatever you do, stay as close to me as possible."

i looked around the corridor anxiously, waiting for five to give us our cue.

his escape plan led up quicker than i had hoped.

we had been in the commission for a mere day, and we were about to leave, thanks to five's quick thinking.

"oh," five turns to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "do not be afraid to use your powers. they're your advantage. this could either go extremely bad, or good."

i nodded at his words, my breathing a little ragged.

i had no idea how extreme his plan would be.

all he had mentioned was that he "was going to get us the fuck out of here."

there was no clue up until this that it would involve violence. though, his little input of me using my powers had led me to believe there would be.

it's five hargreeves.

violence is his best friend.

"c'mon," five whispers, tugging me as he hurriedly walks through the hallway, right toward the tube room.

he stopped right outside the door, quickly pulling me so we wouldn't be viewed from the inside.

he raised a finger to his lips, signaling me to be quiet.

"gloria. the handler knows that five and elle are up to something."

five rolls his eyes at the voice inside the room, scoffing quietly.

he grabs my wrist, and i don't flinch as he jumps us into the room, behind a sheer wall on the side.

"get this to hazel and cha cha immediately."

i lean my head to view the two people talking.

i watch as gloria obtains a capsule from the woman in front of her.


gloria nods her head vigorously, and woman behind her sighs, walking out of the room.

i turn to five, panicking when he isn't there.

before my heart started racing even faster than before, i hear a loud collision from behind me.

i swiftly turn around, already raising my hands to fight.

to my relief, five was standing in front of me.

with an unconscious gloria on the ground.

normally, i would most likely stand in shock from the incident.

but, considering the circumstances, i acted fast, grabbing the capsule from gloria's hands and quickly walking the the desk.

five watched me proudly, and i sent him a small smile.

i felt wicked for leaving gloria lying on the floor, but i had to compose myself with the fact that her injuries couldn't compete with the amount of deaths that were bound to happen in the next couple of days.

i popped open the capsule, grabbing the paper from the inside.

my eyes widened as i read the context.

"five." i nudged him, raising the paper to him.

i watched as his eyes skimmed over the words, and he shook his head, taking the paper from me.

he hurriedly placed the paper in the typewriter, clicking the buttons with quick ease.

though, the words wouldn't seem to leave me mind.

protect harold jenkins.

it was pretty damn obvious that whoever the hell that was - the commission didn't want us to find them.

i leaned on the table beside five, watching as he typed out his message.

my eyes widened as i read.

terminate hazel for immediate extraction.

"fuck, five, you're not gonna send that, are you?" i asked, reading the risky message once again.

like he had mentioned before, the two crazed assassins were skilled and clever.

five shook his head, taking the paper out of typewriter and replacing it with another.

"nope," he spoke calmly, quickly typing. "not without this one."

a sleek grin ran across my face.

terminate cha cha for immediate extraction.

he grabbed two separate tubes, handing one to me, along with hazel's death note.

i quickly placed the paper inside, screwing the capsule closed, running over to the tubes.

five had already finished making cha cha's. he quickly motioned to a tube on the right, sending me over with hazel's.

i sent the capsule through, watching as five sent cha cha's.

my breathing had calmed down, and i gave five a small high-five, grateful that the plan had been executed swiftly.

though, our celebrations were made too early.

"you know that's not how we do things here."

i mentally groaned at the voice, turning around, watching as the handler sent us a disappointed gaze.

five sent her a cheeky smile, leaning against the wall.

"where's gloria?" she asked, looking around.

i stepped in front of five, shrugging. "we don't know. the room was empty when we came in."

a groan from the back of the room caught the handler's attention.

she turned around, her slight smile faltering as she eyed the unconscious gloria on the floor.

five stood up straight, placing a hand on my back.

"things are about to get ugly." he whispered to me, inching a little closer.

the handler turned back around, a distraught look on her face. "you two are a great disappointment to me."

five and i only watched her with simple stares, readying ourselves for action.

"you can't change what's to come." the handler shook her head, looking at us. "i truly find it so odd that you two can't shed this fantasy."

she pointed to five, "you're a first-rate pragmatist! you belong here with us!"

five glared at her, scoffing. "i don't belong anywhere, thanks to you. you made me a killer!"

the handler looked to the floor, crossing her arms. "you were always a killer, number five."

she turned to me, walking a little closer. "and you, elle. i saw potential in you. your powers would have helped us significantly."

i widened my eyes, stepping away. "i don't have powers."

the handler chuckled, "we had eyes on you, elle. don't be foolish. angel eyes? the commission is associated with them."

i shook my head rapidly, tearing up a bit. "no, it wasn't. stop lying."

"all that abuse? it was to toughen you up." the handler smiled, walking closer to me. "clearly," she placed a hand on my cheek, wiping my tears. "it wasn't enough."

i aggressively push her away, kicking her in the shin.

five hurriedly walked in front of me, blocking me from her view.

"i've created both of you." the handler exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. "and this is the payment i receive."

it was almost in slow motion.

she unzipped the bottom of her dress, taking out a black metal object.

a pistol.

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