chapter twenty-four

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"what are you doing?" i hiss at five, watching as he grabbed a folder from the desk behind him.

"the annoying lady that sits here," he points to the desk. "is in charge of apocalypse matters."

the bell had just rung for break, meaning all employees had left the room.

five grins as he waves the red folder in my face. he places it inside his shirt.

grabbing my wrist, he rushes out the room.

"duty calls." i mumble, walking quickly to keep up with his pace.

he stops in front of the bathroom, tugging me inside as he quickly closes the door behind us.

"check the stalls." he pats my back, and i sigh, walking away from him.

i slowly walk up to each stall, peering my eyes underneath each cubicle for any signs of a presence.

"all clear." i inform, looking back up to five.

he nods, grabbing my hand and tugging me into a stall.

"a bit cramped, no?" i chuckle, watching from the end of the stall as he took a seat.

he motions to come closer to him, and i take a small step.

five rolls his eyes impatiently, grabbing me by my waist and placing me on his lap.

my cheeks heat up at the sudden gesture. i could practically feel his smirk form.

he leans away from me, removing the folder form under his shirt, placing it in my hands.

"open it." he directs, calmly watching as he places his head on my shoulder.

a click from the door interrupts our investigation.

"shit." five mumbles. "don't move."

i look at him in concern, looking around for anywhere to hide.

obviously, there was none.

"they could see your legs from the gap at the bottom of the stall." five mumbles, practically positioning me to straddle him so my legs wouldn't be in view.

i turn my head to look back at the front of the stall, eyes widening as i recognized the bright red heels.

"oh my god, it's her." i muttered, turning around, immediately backing my face away as i realize how close five was to me.

he narrows his eyes at me.

"i've kissed you before." five mouths, rolling his eyes at the slight space i had made between our faces.

i snicker at his cocky attitude, but quickly cover my mouth.

"so how's your first day going?"

i flinch at the handler's sudden voice, and five shakes his head, an irritated look on his face.

"couldn't be better." he replies, rolling his eyes.

"glad to hear it!" the handler cheerfully speaks. i watch her feet as she walks into the stall beside us.

five visibly cringed as the sound of her pissing became extremely audible.

he slowly grabbed the folder from my hands, placing it back into his shirt.

i narrowed my eyes at the wall separating us from the handler as she began to cough rather loudly.

"i burned my rugae."

the fuck-

"ever burn your rugae?"

five sends me a look of disgust.

"rugae. the ridges of the hard palate that help pass food to the esophagus."

i look at five, mustering up the will to live as i sucked in a laugh.

"anyway, i'm on a liquid diet for two days, hence the marathon of urination. one faulty cog, and nothing works as it should."

this lady really loves her cogs.

"you know we value integrity at the office above all else. trust is essential, and that trust is built over time."

i stare at five, quirking a brow.

"told you." i mouth, and he simply rolls his eyes in response.

"but in the event of a breach, the commission will act swiftly and without mercy."

i continue to stare at five with a shit-eating grin as the handler basically summarizes what i had told him.

though, my triumph is wiped clean as the sound of the toilet flushing is heard, the heels of the handler walking out of the stall and to the sinks.

"an efficiency i'm sure you above all people can appreciate, number five."

five purses his lips, nodding. though, she couldn't see him.

"i'm feeling peckish. have you had your lunch?"

he shifts in his seat a little, sighing quietly.

"not yet." five answers, an annoyed expression on his face.

"great! how would you like to have lunch with me in my office. you can invite elle."

my eyes widen as her red heels walk closer to our stall.

"five." i hiss, pointing at the shoes as they become closer.

"i can eat solid foods, and i can live vicariously..."

i quickly get up from his lap, closing my eyes as i pray she doesn't look inside.

as if my worst nightmare had appeared, she did exactly that.

"through you."

i wait for a phase of shock.

none comes.

the sound of her heels walking away makes me open my eyes, furrowing my brows.

"elle?" five called, searching his eyes around the stall.

he looked genuinely confused.

"i'm right here." i wave my hands, and watch as five becomes even more confused.

"where?" he asked, getting up.

my mouth widens in shock as he walks right past me.

holy shit.

"i can't see you?" five speaks in a questioning tone, his eyes wandering around the bathroom.

"dude, i'm literally right in front of you."

five's eyes widen, "wait, push me or something."

i do as told, nudging him from his side.

he flinches at the poke, staring at his torso in shock.

"elle, holy shit. you're invisible."

get well soon. | five hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now