chapter nineteen

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"so, you were a hit man?"


luther sat back down, listening intently to five's backstory.

"i mean - you had a code right? you didn't kill just anybody?"

five shook his head.

"no code. we killed anyone who messed with the timeline."

luther's eyes widened, "but what about innocent people?"

five lowered his head. "it was the only way i could get back here."

i leaned against the bed frame, watching luther's reaction.

"but that's murder." his eyes widened, looking at five with shock.

"jesus, luther. grow up." five scoffed, looking up at him. "we're not kids anymore. there's no such thing as good guys or bad guys. there's just people, going about their lives."

oh the irony.

"but when the world ends, all those people die. including our family."

he glances at me, as if to say you too.

five sighs, "time changes everything."

luther looks to the floor, seeming as if he was pondering.

"we'll talk more later. we've been here too long." he sighs, and five and i stand up.

i wave to the larger man, following five.

five walks up the stairs, opening the door for me, and we exit the building.

"that was tough." he admitted, staring to the floor as we walked across the sidewalk.

i looked up at him in pity. "you did it, though. luther's with us. diego...  i'm not too sure."

five sighed, shaking his head.

"we need to get back on track."

i nodded, "and that we will. firstly, we need to get you a little rest. how's that hangover of yours doing?" i playfully knock on his head, causing him to glare at me.

"not good at all." he pushed my hand away, rubbing his head.

"so you can plunge a needle multiple times through your skin, but can't take a knock to the head?" i asked, amused.

five rolled his eyes, though i spotted the small smile on his face.

"you know what else i can plunge-"

i push him, causing him to laugh loudly.

"kidding." he smirked, throwing an arm around me. "when we get back to the academy, a nap will be necessary."

"you just took one. you're not gonna be able to sleep tonight." i motioned behind us.

five sighed dramatically, rolling his eyes once more.

"you can never take too many naps. sleeping in the night is for wimps."

i snickered at his response, shaking my head.

"agree, hargreeves."

eventually, we had made it back to the academy, much to my dismay. i had been enjoying the conversation five and i were having.

five grabbed my hand, and i cursed, feeling the sensation of his spacial jump.

when i opened my eyes, i saw his smirk.

get well soon. | five hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now