chapter five

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"where are we off to now?" i asked for the hundredth time, walking right behind five as he led us through the busy streets.

"my house, miss harper." five grinned sarcastically, obviously annoyed of my constant pestering.

i sighed nonetheless.

"we're almost there, shut it." he made a gesture of zipping his lips, then smirked.

he does that a lot.

"how come you can't just, i don't know, magically teleport us." i suggested, my hands flying everywhere.

five smirked again, "exercise is good."

"agree to disagree." i mumbled.

he only snickered at my comment, before abruptly stopping, leading me to crash into his side.

"a warning might've been nice." i informed him, rubbing my shoulder that had collided with him.

he didn't reply as he opened some weird looking gate, and another door behind it.

"this is your house?" i scoffed, looking both ways as i eyed the gate.

it had an umbrella logo embedded into the metal.

this is a weird placement for a house.

it was centered in the middle of a busy sidewalk, and very old fashioned.

"no silly, it's the academy." five replied sarcastically, walking inside swiftly.

though, as we stepped inside, my opinions quickly changed.

"five, what is this?" i ask in awe, my eyes scanning around the house.

it was extremely nice. like those manors you only see in movies.

"this," five smirked, walking closer to me. "is the hargreeves family home." his arms spread around as he twirled slowly.

he giggled at the shock in my face, leaning in quite close.

"for the record, our dad was an old rich white man." he whispered, causing me to chuckle.

"okay, c'mon. i have a cut on my arm that's starting to hurt like hell."

he beckoned me to come with him as he walked up the stairs - very quickly, i may add.

he stopped to a room which i assumed was his.

he opened the door quietly, and motioned me to come in, closing the door behind me.

five sighed loudly, taking off his blazer and suit vest.

i widened my eyes as he removed the clothing, not knowing if i should turn around or not.

now, he was only in a button up tee, which was weird to me, seeing as i had only seen him in his proper attire.

he quickly unbuttoned the shirt, only leaving himself in a white tank top.

"you have so many layers of clothing - how have you not died of a heat stroke?" i mused, leaning my head on my palm.

he chuckled, shrugging. "i literally don't have anything else to wear. seriously, go check my closet." he pointed at it from across the room.

i rolled my eyes playfully, "you're really making me get up hargreeves?"

he snickered, motioning to it.

i walked past him, opening the sliding door, chuckling at the contents inside.

schoolboy after schoolboy outfit.

"at least you look permanently professional." i grinned, causing him to scoff playfully.

a gust of wind flew past, and as i turned around, he wasn't there anymore.

i rolled my eyes, waiting patiently.

as i expected, he immediately came back, a handful of products in his arms.

"i'm preforming surgery on myself today, harper." five smirked, placing all the contents on his desk.

he turned to the side, and i had a good view on what he'd be stitching up.

it was a nasty gash on the side of his shoulder. i noticed him wince as he moved his arm.

he stood in front of his desk, immediately getting to work as he poked the thread through the needle.

i winced as he poked it through the first time, walking beside him as he grunted.

"is that really necessary? i can call a cab to take us to the hospital-"

five rolled his eyes at me, disregarding my comment as he continued to stitch the cut on the side of his shoulder.

"i'm fine, really. just making sure this shit doesn't get worse." he mumbled, wincing as he poked the needle through again.

"five i-"

"shut up. i'm concentrating." he mumbled, looking up quickly and giving me a little smile. "you're cute."

i cross my arms at him, rolling my eyes at his little save.

neither of us had really made us official.

of course, i wanted it to be.

but i didn't want to ask.

maybe i'm a pussy.

the sound of him leaning back against his chair interrupted me from my thoughts, and i looked over to him, worried.

the cut on his shoulder was now fully stitched, and the medical supplies were all packed back into the first aid kit.

"you good?" i asked, pushing back his hair so it wasn't covering his face.

he nods, reaching for my arm, pulling me to him.

"come here." he gently speaks, pulling me closer.

he gets up slowly, wrapping his arms around me.

my eyes widen at the gesture, but i slowly imitate him, my arms hanging around his neck.

"hey." he mumbled, gently stroking my hair.

oh my god.

oh my god.

oh my god.

"hey." i smiled into his neck, enjoying the closeness.

"i really like you." he mumbles into my hair, his cheek pressed up against the top of my head.

i smile softly, feeling myself heat up. i give him a kiss on the cheek.

"that's a horrible decision."

he grinned softly, chuckling at my words.

"is it really?" he replied, smiling as i felt him kiss my head.

the butterflies in my stomach were only growing more extreme, and his actions weren't helping it.

"you know," he mumbles, his grip getting tighter. "i don't think i've ever had an actual hug before i met you."

this only causes me to tighten my arms around him, pressing my face into his chest.

he's missed out on so much.

"can we be..." he struggled to finish his sentence, lips pursing, trying to find the right word.


he grins at the word, nodding. "yeah, official. i want to be official."

my stomach felt like it was doing endless flops, but i didn't hate it. the close proximity between us was only increasing the feeling.

"five hargreeves, i think i'd like to be official too." i smiled, leaning back so i could see his face.

"then we're official."

he leaned in, and i contentedly sighed, running my hands through his hair as he kissed me softly.

get well soon. | five hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now