chapter ten

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"oh, fuck. how much creepier can it get?" i whined, glancing around the place.

five playfully rolled his eyes at my comment, "stop being such a baby."

he smirked as i crossed my arms. "kidding! my baby."

i clicked my tongue, rolling my eyes at his save.

"does your ex girlfriend happen to be an addict that hides out in garbage cans?" i asked, eyeing the empty parking lot, a department store right in front of us. garbage cans were lined across the edges of the building, piles of bags piled inside.

"my ex isn't klaus." five scoffed, smiling as he achieved a laugh from me.

"does she work here?" i asked, motioning to the large store.

five nodded, "yeah. something like that."

before i could interrogate him any further, he grabbed on to my wrist, teleporting us inside the building.

"oh my fucking god." i seethed, snatching my wrist from him.

"it's not even that bad!" five exclaimed, referring to the feeling that happens to the stomach when his powers were used.

"one day, mid-jump, i'm gonna puke." i shrugged, to which five giggled.

"okay, c'mon. she's this way." he hushed, grabbing on to my wrist.

the store was mostly dark, aside from the nature moonlight proceeding through the windows.

five reached over to a display as we walked, grabbing a flashlight.

he clicked it on, aiming it in front of us.

i sighed at the suspenseful tension, slowly walking behind him as i waited him to lead us to his other lover.

why had i agreed to come?

it was more of five's persuasion that caused me to be here. he had practically begged me.

the whole scenario seemed extremely odd.

who would be in a department store this late at night - especially if said store was closed.

eventually, five had stopped walking. he had his flashlight pointing at a figure.

i walk up, squinting my eyes as the bright light revealed the person.

"delores." five sighed contentedly, a small smile on his face.

i, however, had a completely different reaction.

a fucking mannequin.

i didn't speak up, blinking my eyes and tilting my head to make sure five was shining light in the right direction.

"it's good to see you." five continued, smiling. "i've missed you - obviously."

do i run...?

maybe spending the day with klaus had done something to him.

maybe he's contact-high.

"well i..." he tilted his head, pursing his lips. "it's been a rough couple of days.

he paused, staring up at the mannequin, a content look on his face.

"five, are you okay? how much coffee did you have today?" i asked sincerely, walking up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

he turned to me, glaring.

as he turned back, a look of horror spread across his face.


get well soon. | five hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now