chapter thirteen

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"this is the place it was made." five spoke quietly, holding the eye in his hands. "or, will be made."

i sighed in my seat, looking off to the sight in front of us.

the van was parked on the side of the road, a clear view of the lab in front of us.

"what are we waiting for?" i asked him, looking up from my comfortable position.

"i'll tell you when it happens." five sent a cheeky smile, and i rolled my eyes.

he leaned in across the console, about to peck my lips, before a loud knock on my side of the door occurs.

i widened my eyes, quickly pushing his face away as a man came in view of my window.

"that's luther." five mumbled, annoyed at the interruption.

i opened the car door, sending a friendly smile to luther.

he sent me a confused glance, looking at five.

"that's elle harper." five pointed to me, and i waved awkwardly.

luther nodded in response, "yeah. klaus told me about her."

five furrowed his brows, "how'd you find us in the first place?"

a giggle erupted from the back, and all three of us turned our heads, only to find klaus smiling widely.

five threw an object at him, rolling his eyes as klaus laughed.

"get out! you can't be here! i'm in the middle of something." five exclaimed, glaring at his two brothers.

i slowly sinked into my seat, not knowing what to do.

"any luck finding your one-eyed man?" klaus asked, resting his head on his hand.

"no." five mumbled, irritated.

"what's he talkin' about luther asked, furrowing his brows in question.

"does it matter? it's klaus." five rolled his eyes, sitting back.

he sighed, bringing a hand to his face, "what do you want, luther?"

"um..." luther looked at me, sending me an awkward glance. "i'm sorry, elle. can you step out for a bit? it's private."

"yeah, of course." i nodded, unbuckling my seatbelt, turning to the door.

five stopped me, grabbing my arm.

"she's fine where she is."

luther sighed, leaning against the car. it shook a bit.

"grace may have had something to do with dad's death."

my eyes widened at the news, completely shocked.

five had mentioned that his father had died from a heart attack - not a murder.

especially not by somebody who had just saved me from dying.

"so i need you to come back to the academy - all right? it's important."

"it's important." five mocked, "you have no concept of what's important."

"hey!" klaus interrupted, "did i ever tell you guys about the time i waxed my ass with chocolate pudding?"

i winced in disgust, facepalming, "no, klaus. and we could've gone along perfectly fine without knowing."

"it was so painful!" klaus laughed, resting his hands on both five and i's seats.

"what are you still doing here?" luther asked him, furrowing his brows.

"aye, aye, aye." five mumbled, looking out the window.

"what? i need an excuse to hang out with my family and only friend?" klaus asked, pouting.

"we're trying to have a serious conversation-"

"what, and i'm incapable of being serious? is that what you're saying?"

"luther's got a point. you should get out." five commented, looking at klaus through the review mirror.

"what?" klaus whined, throwing his hands.

we all stared at him.

he groaned, getting up and sliding the back door open.

"fine!" he called from outside, sliding the door shut forcefully.

"what the hell are you two up to five?" luther asked, making sure klaus was gone.

"believe me, you wouldn't understand." five scoffed.

"try me. last i checked, i was still the leader of this family."

"well, last i checked, i'm twenty eight years older than you."

i snickered at his reply, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

i felt extremely awkward, being in the middle of their banter.

"you know what your problem is?" luther sighed, leaning in closer to five.

"really hoping you'll tell me." five smiled sarcastically.

"you think you're better than us. you always have. even when we were kids."

five rolled his eyes, continuing to listen.

"but the truth, is you're just as messed up as the rest of us."

five scoffs at this, but i secretly know he agrees.

"we're all you have. and you know it."


"i don't think that i'm better than you, number one." five scoffed, rolling his eyes. "i know i am."

five's snotty attitude was appearing, and i didn't like it.

"i've done unimaginable things. things you couldn't even comprehend." five sneered, glaring at luther.

"just to get back here and save you all."


oh my god.

right in the front view for everyone to see, klaus comes running out of a grocery store, carrying items in his arms as he runs like a madman.

"hey bitches!" he shouts to us, continuing to run.

"you! get back here!"

i couldn't help but giggle at the sight of klaus running away from a store employee.

five and luther, on the other hand, were annoyed.

"now i'm starting to wonder if that was the wisest decision."

get well soon. | five hargreevesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora