chapter two

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five watched me as i stared into the street.

i hadn't spoken the whole walk to his house, and i didn't think he wanted to pressure me to.

"i'm sorry you had to see and hear all that." five apologized once again, looking at me for a reaction.

i couldn't give him one.

i didn't know what to say. at the moment, he scared me.

"i did it for a good reason, i promise." he informed, furrowing his brows. "can i get a response?"

his expression was pleading, but his demeanor seemed demanding.


i looked up at him, pursing my lips.

i didn't know how to possibly bring my thoughts into words. i had so many things going through my mind.

"i don't know what to tell you." i confessed, looking back down at the sidewalk.

"i walk inside this nice donut place, have a good conversation with a boy i met in there, and then i later come to find out he is wanted from an entire group of people that are threatening to kill him?"

i'm aware i was rambling, but that didn't stop me.

"and then, he fucking teleports us to the back of the donut shop where he says, he'll take care of it." i throw up quotation marks, getting more aggravated. "and then, get ready for this, leads on a fucking massacre at some innocent lady's donut place."

at this point, i stopped walking, and harshly glared at five.

he didn't seem too phased, and raised his brows at my words.

that only frustrated me more.

i felt heat rising to my cheeks, and the tears threatening to spill out.

i hated that about emotions.

if i had the power to rant without getting emotional, i'd be a happy camper.

though, the tears falling down my face crushed my wishes.

my body was slowly heating up, and i mentally told myself to calm down.

five watched me, concerned.

he stepped closer to me, and put a hand on my shoulder.

he winced at the heat my body was making, but didn't pull back.

at this point, i felt like i was reliving what had happened only hours before.

"i'm sorry." he whispered, and surprisingly pulled me into a hug. he rested his head on top of mine. i immediately felt the heat die down.

"i'm sorry. i swear i'll explain everything to you. just please stop crying."

"promise?" i whispered, extending my pinky.

he stared at it for a bit until he raised his hand, wrapping his around it.

"yes, i promise."

i nodded, pulling away from him.

he rubbed his red hand, looking up at me.

"i overheat when i'm upset." i mumbled, answering the question i knew he had been wondering.

he nodded in acknowledgment, placing his hands beside him.

the amount of heat i had provided at that moment wasn't enough to make a scar or cause an extremely painful injury. that would only happen when i could control it.

even after the hug, he didn't move back, and rested his hands on to my face, swiping his thumbs across my cheeks, wiping all of my emotions i had just spilled out away.

"we're going to go to my sister apartment. okay?" he mumbled, searching my eyes for any response.

i only nodded, my throat too dry to speak out words.

he stepped back from me, noticing how close he had gotten.

his hands left my cheeks, and i felt the cold air come across them immediately, sending a little chill down my spine.

"it's getting really late. c'mon, let's go." five motioned, walking a little ahead of me.

i hesitantly followed him.

i decided to walk behind him - a hopeful hint to him that i didn't want to talk.

it was just me and my thoughts on the thirty minute walk, while five had his hands in his pockets, looking to make sure we were headed the right way.

eventually, by him stopping in front of me, i registered we were here.

the door to the apartment complex was right in front of us, though five wasn't looking straight.

he was looking up.

i furrow my brows, motioning to the door.

"i always get in through the window. we'll be fine."

i narrowed me eyes, not believing him.

the whole setup was very suspicious.

i watched him as he climbed up the windowsill of the first floor, his hands coming in contact with the window above.

he slid it open, beckoning me to come up.

i shook my head, and looked around.

"if you kill me in there, i swear to god i'll haunt him in the afterlife." i mumbled, lifting my foot up the first step.

get well soon. | five hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now