chapter twelve

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"oh, no, no, no. you're staying."

"what! it's not like a lost a limb." i whined, watching as five packed a carry-on bag. i was intrigued to find out where he was going, and has asked to come with him.

"you just got shot!" five exclaimed, throwing his hands up. "you could've been killed."

"but i wasn't." i pointed, causing five to roll his eyes.

"too bad, so sad." he threw the bag around his shoulder, opening the window.

"five!" i called as he made his way out.

i didn't bother asking why he had exited through such a complicated way, and stood up, following him.

he turned around, now on the outside of the open window.

"you're supposed to be laying down." five sighed, motioning to his bed across the room.

i rolled my eyes, "you and i both know i'm not gonna quit trying."

he sighed impatiently, staring at me with a slight glare.

"i promise i'll be back soon." he mumbled, pulling my face towards his, pecking my lips.

a blush at the sudden action appeared upon my cheeks - five smirking.

thinking he had finally convinced me, he started to climb down the railing.

and i followed him.

it took him about ten seconds to realize this, and sighed dramatically as he did. he stopped climbing, staring up from his lower position on the railing.

"elle." he whined, crossing his arms like a kid.

i grinned mischievously, waving at him.

he rolled his eyes, and i knew he had given up.

"dammit, where's dad's stuff?"

five and i lowered our heads to the sound of the noise, confusion on our faces as we spotted klaus in a garbage container.

"in his natural habitat." five mumbled, staring at the sight.

klaus was throwing the bags of garbage around - quite aggressively, i may add.

"shut up!" klaus suddenly cried, causing me and five to exchange looks.

"he's talking to our dead brother." he cleared up, and i nodded in acknowledgement.

"i'm trying to find whatever priceless crap was in that priceless box so that pogo will get off my ass!"

five rolled his eyes, beckoning me to climb down with him.

"i'd ask what you're up to, klaus, but then it occured to me..." five looked at his brother, "i don't care."

"hey!" klaus chuckled, eyeing both five and i. "you know there are easier ways out of the house, guys."

"this one involved the least amount of talking-" five reached the floor, raising his arms out to catch me so i wouldn't have to struggle getting down. "or so i thought."

he swiftly catched me, steadying me to stand.

"hey, hey, hey, so..." klaus quickly spoke, a flask in his hand. "you need anymore company today? i could uh... clear my schedule."

five stopped walking, his hands wrapped around the straps of his backpack. "looks like you got your hands full."

"oh this? no, no. i can do this whenever. i'm just-" he falls back into the garbage container. "i just misplaced something, that's all."

the sound of clutter filled the alleyway, klaus scattering the bags everywhere. five and i stared in amusement.

"oh! found it! thank god." klaus arose back into sight, holding what looked like a donut.

i exchanged a look of disgust with five, cringing as klaus slowly took a bite

"klaus, i don't think you should-" i winced as i heard him swallow.

"delicious." klaus spoke, placing the donut back down.

five rolled his eyes, "i'm done funding your drug habit." he grabbed on to my wrist, dragging me away.

"come on! you don't- maybe i just wanna hang out with my bestie and brother!" klaus whined, staring off at us.

"mi hermano! mi amiga!"

five rolled his eyes, ushering me to a van in the edge of the alley.

"i love you! even if you can't love yourself!"

i snickered at klaus' comment, which five didn't find very amusing.

he helped me into the passenger seat of the car, buckling me in.

"i'm not really sure if this car is stolen or not, but i trust you." i sighed, leaning against the seat.

"oh, don't worry." five cooed, placing a hand on my cheek. "it's definitely stolen."

get well soon. | five hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now