08 | A Broken Ballerina and a Lion

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[Chapter Status: Edited]


08 | A Broken Ballerina and a Lion

Later on this day, after arguing with Laura about her avoidance of Niall, I make my way to Improv after the lunch bell dismisses everyone to class and out of the field. I so far have not enjoyed Improv, because one, I don't have any friends in this class, and two, because it's utterly boring.

I prefer Algebra over this.

I don't even get why we learn that stuff anyway. I seriously don't think I need to know what the freaking square root of twenty-five is to release a debut album.

I shift in my seat in the front row as a group of arguing customers learn how to handle their differences by a lesson from a store clerk.

Yeah, I don't know.

Improv, extended as improvisation, is a class where you choose a scenario and improvise without any preparation. Everything said on stage is always a fresh thought from the mind. 

It's supposed to be fun, others tell me.

Um, then I must be in the wrong class if this is what they're claiming.

The performance ends with only half of the class applauding, and the other half minding their own business.

I was the other half.

I am so dαmn rude.

When fifth period ends, I trade a few words with some guy named Carlos, who jokes about the poor team skills the performers made.

Next class, Theater, which doesn't differ much from Improv. I sit in one of the seats in the front, jotting down notes on diction, adding in questions I have on the side margin. I'm usually the most quiet this period because I find it unnecessary to be yammering all period long about irrelevant things, unlike some of my other classmates.

Ms. Carter literally started crying last week during one of her treat-others-the-way-you-want-to-be-treated lectures because some immature dιckhead wanted to start cursing out rap lyrics.

I'm also quiet because too many of the kids in this class don't relate to me, or are quiet themselves and give off socially awkward.

I sprint off to History class with Mrs. Stewart, who I must say, favor the most out of the majority of my teachers. She's pretty rad and barely gives us any homework. Only a few daily reflection sheets for the week on whatever we learned that day, and one major project that starts four weeks into the first quarter.

To add on to her radness, she's extremely funny and tells us jokes all the time. She even bashes the other teachers in this school for things such as their clothing style and their lack of facial grooming.

Oh, and she also disses the male teachers for that too.

Mrs. Stewart is half Jamaican and half Italian, so her being biracial makes her really exotic looking. Her eyes are similar mixture of powder blue and moss green. She also has a beauty mark on the left side of her upper lip. She's only twenty-eight, meaning she has no wrinkles and an ageless figure. She has a broad nose, coming from her Jamaican side of her family, and coarse curly hair that is naturally a bright honey blonde.

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