30 | Instagram Disputes

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i had to split the chapter


anxiety kills me

sorry lol

picture of babe on the side (mikalah/farrah)

question: did they name the palm after the tree, or the tree after the palm? - ryan higa




30 | Instagram Disputes

I hear a honk outside, looking out the family room's casement windows. The sky is a vast sea of blue when I look up; cloudless. The sun is bright and dominant within as its light drenches the day. I out-swing the windows open, the hinges turning and I stick my head out as I see Colton's Jeep Wrangler parked in my driveway, and Justin's big, golden head popping out from the rolled down passenger's seat window, waving at me. There's booming Hip-Pop music playing to the point where I'm surprised the car isn't bouncing like a lowrider. He looks towards his left side to face Colton, saying something before the music lowers down and his eyes avert back onto me.

                “Get in loser, we're going to the beach!” he shouts, sliding down the bridge of his glasses with a smile crept on his lips.

                Justin is his name, making movie references is his game.

                Apparently, in Farrah's definition, a game is something you're good at.

                I guess getting naked is my game because wow, habits.

                “Okay, Regina!”

                Harry is my name – and I follow along with those movie references.

                He takes off his sunglasses so I can finally see his eyes. They're being penetrated by the sunlight, so the colour is illuminated and appear lighter than usual. He's squinting at the sunlight as he tries to look at me. “You're cool.” He picks at the skin of his lip.

                He's going to need chapstick doing that.

                Maybe even some balm.

                I lean against the ledge of the window with my hands flat and pressing against it. “I know.”

                “Very,” he goes on.

                I snap. “I know right.”

                He nods impatiently.

                I run a hand through my mousse-matted hair, admiring the vibrant scenery of my calm afternoon neighborhood. There's palm trees flanking the house across, swaying as if to the music emanating from Colton's speakers.

                The name for that tree has always had me wondering.

                The biggest question of all: did they name the palm after the tree, or the tree after the palm?

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