125. On vacation with a ruckus

Start from the beginning

Of course, Severus was far from over the results. especially because Harry had already promised him before their wedding, from now on always to give his best.
That's why he punished Harry once more. Instead of traveling with him, as they did last year, to their Manor, the teacher put his husband on the train.
the laughter of the students was unbearable. Some even claimed that Severus already had enough of Harry again.
To make the humiliation perfect, the whole train was full of Aurors. They were of course there to protect the students from Death Eaters. However, the rumor spread very quickly that the headmaster of the snakes just wanted to put his husband under further observation.
Even Draco had laughed at him. Just because he was no longer on Voldemort's side, the two boys had not suddenly become friends. although Harry had hoped for exactly that. But it turned out that the Ice Prince did not get his nickname without reason. This behavior had even worsened since he learned Occlumency from Severus. besides, Harry had noticed that the blond smelled funny lately. But since he was so angry with himself and his husband, he had not paid any attention to it.

On the trip home, Harry and his friends hid in the compartment to avoid the taunts of their classmates. only Neville had joined them. The others were all afraid of being caught in the crossfire themselves when they sided with the group. It was always the same, nobody wanted to help someone who was downed. Rather, one squirted himself additional poison. This could make you popular.
When they got off the train, the group, except for Harry and Neville, was already expected by their parents.
Mrs. Weasley was the first to start ranting. Her husband did not even speak. But he did not look happy either. Molly even pulled Ron's ear and sentenced him to house arrest until he refreshed his missing knowledge.
Hermione's parents were in no way inferior to the redheaded fury. they thought that just because they themselves were not wizards, they would not allow their daughter to become lazy. Especially not if she always had such good grades.
Even Xeno was disappointed with his Luna.
All in all, it was a really embarrassing afternoon they experienced there.
Also for Harry, because he was picked up by Severus as if it was his son and not his husband. He pronounced the same punishment as Mrs. Weasley. This was followed by Hermione's parents and Luna's father.
only then were they allowed to go home.

And now Harry was sitting here in a rather empty room cursing his husband. It did not have to be that. The guy had really given him house arrest.
"What comes to mind? Does he listen to himself? if he thinks I like such a behavior, then he's wound up crooked.
He wants me to improve my grades? He can have that, I will not talk to him again until I've done all the work and I've also done the schooling for next year. "

severus had the news of Harry staying away at dinner anything but well received. Actually he would like to storm up and dragged this stubborn goat down.
However, Winky had stopped him:
"Do not forget that you are his husband. you can not treat him like a little kid. And even worse, you can not treat him like he's your kid. "
"But he's acting like this."
"You too," Dobby chuckled.
"Please, no jokes, I'm just not in the mood right now."
"But one thing you should not forget, Harry is still a teenager. Even if he's married to you, "Winky continued, ignoring her comment.
Severus did not understand anything anymore:
"First you say I should not treat him like a child and then you say that's exactly what he is. What is it? "
Winky sighed
"What I mean by that is quite simple; you are married to a very young man. Yes, he still makes mistakes simply because he is still so young. but you must never make him feel that you do not see him as an equal partner. "
Severus stared into his plate, Dobby had already brought the food upstairs to Harry.
"Did I give him that feeling?"
Both elves nodded.
"Great, and how do you know that again?"
"Because sometimes he called us when he needed to talk to someone," the elf told him.
"I always thought he was talking to the snake or the wolf."
Dobby shook his head:
"Mr. Lupine had enough to do with the exams and his godfather is very busy as a minister.
and Nagini? She now lives with Hagrid. She was almost never there. Especially because she once again blamed herself for your marriage quarrel. First with reviving and now with notes and animagus lessons. Apparently, the good serpent lady had a very bad conscience. Harry did not want to incriminate her further by talking about his feelings and problems. "
"How did you manage to feel guilty now?" Grated Severus.
The elves giggled.
winky put the little hand on the man's arm:
"You do that. But talk to him and try to find a solution together. He will be your student for a full year. if you can not teach him, then maybe you should think about looking for another teacher for him. "
"No way," Severus demanded.
"Then seek a solution. But please, keep Harry in the talks. Do not forget, in a marriage the partners should be equal. And Harry does not feel like at the moment respecting him as a man, "Dobby concluded.
With that, the elves withdrew, leaving a thoughtful Severus behind.

the man went through his actions of the last weeks again. And he had to admit, the little house ghosts were right, he had not acted like a husband to Harry. But on the other hand, his husband had also violated school rules. and even when Severus had told him about his fear of trying to separate them, Harry had not been satisfied. No, he got even madder. The vampire said Severus would overreact, so far she could not have parted. and whether he already forgot Dumbledore's words at her marriage? They were connected by their souls, no one would even be able to separate them. That had been seen very impressively even at Umbridge.
From that point on Harry did not speak to Severus anymore. no matter what he tried.

"Great Severus, there you have done something. Why am I married to such a stubborn head? And with one who can never abide by rules. Why does Harry always say he can ignore such things? and his friends are still with us. My only consolation is that the Animagus training had brought nothing. None of them can turn into an animal. You should have known, even the Marauders needed months to do it. and they, too, have violated the rules and laws with this act.
Damn, but if I get Harry with it then I can talk to a wall right away. Then he will not listen to me anymore.
Why does it always have to be so complicated with Harry? "
severus decided that he would certainly not get a green second today. He should listen to the advice from the house elves and talk to Harry tomorrow. When he finally agrees to listen to him and not run away again

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