120. Draco pushes to it

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"Are you all going to be buried?" Neville asked his friends.
They were still all housed in the dungeons. However, Poppy had diagnosed her as healthy half an hour ago. From Monday they could go back to school. much to the relief of the adolescents.
George pulled his partner close and blew a kiss on his temple.
"How can you ask only? It will be an honor for us all to say goodbye to this great woman. "
A sympathetic murmur was the result.
"Your grandmother was really a fighter, also in terms of her fashion." Hermione tried to lift the mood a bit.
And it seemed to work, Neville smiled.
"This ugly hat and bag she had in her youth. The things were her trademark even then. Grandpa always thought she had the same fashion taste as Dumbledore. "
"So no," Ron grinned.
"That's what he meant, yes. As a little boy I was always scared that the vulture would eat me. "
"Can I understand if Mum would wear such a part, then George and I would certainly have done a lot less nonsense in our childhood."
"And you tell me now?" Howled Ron played.
"I remember the first time I saw the woman on the platform. I'm terribly scared, just because of the vulture. And then Neville confessed to her that he had lost Trevor again. "Harry grinned.
"This impossible toad. I do not understand how my uncle got the idea, I would be happy about this cattle. Toads are simply no familiar or even just pets. When were they in fashion, please? "Neville wanted to know indignantly.
He held up Jack for clarity. The young man and the desert jersey were really a heart and a soul. Just as confidants should be. the rodent never tried to escape.

Luna looked down at her minim flop, which was just fumbling with frog.
"I hope they are not planning to reproduce?" She muttered.
"Why do not you want young minimuffs and cuddly muffs?" Fred wanted to know.
The girl shrugged.
"Yes, but they should take their time. We do it too. How did Mrs. Longbottom say? 'Is it just slow, when I hear that one of you is throwing a child in the next two years, then I pull his ears out. Did you hear Sirius? '"
the group made a loud laugh.
"She forbade my godfather to have children?" Harry wanted to know.
"Yeah, and you can imagine what the man did for a face." Grinned his sister.
"And again, there was no camera around to hold on to that.Hermione complained.
"Grandmother never took a leaf out of sex. When I think of how many times she embarrassed George and me. And then always that laugh. Like a little child who was joking. "
George grimaced, but then he, too, laughed.
"She enjoyed blushing me on every occasion. She found it especially funny when my face was the same color as my hair. "
Now Fred started to shout aloud.
"And then the number three months ago." He crackled.
"What was there?" Neville wanted to know curiously.
Everyone else was curious. They all moved closer to George. Even the animals.
"Fred, you are a traitor." The twin mauled.
"I like to tell it as an anecdote on the funeral" Grinste his brother diabolically.
"I would trust you, too. And the good Augusta would probably sit on her cloud and applaud you. "
"Augusta?" Hermione wanted to know.
"Yes, she said I should call her by her first name. Especially after this day.
She came to our store and brought me some prevention books, even potions were included. When I told her that Nev was a boy and could barely conceive, all she said was that she was not so sure about Fred and my ingenuity. "
The teenagers lay laughing on the beds, which had pushed them together to a big one. Harry held Nagini in his arms and buried his face in her shed giggling.
"No, she does not have that?" Ron snorted.
"It's getting better," laughed Fred.
"Yeah, maybe for you. After that she grabbed my arm and drove me to Muggle London. and then she dragged me into a drugstore to buy condoms. With the view thrown to us by the salesmen, I would like to be immersed in the ground. "Wimbled the twin.
Neville had laughingly thrown at his partner and everyone else could no longer hold the balance. that story was just too good.

"Does anyone else have stories about this woman? They should be collected and published as a book. "Lucky chuckled. She had leaned against Fred and enjoyed some petting.
"We could ask Moody and Dumbledore. I'm sure they have enough memories. "
By the fact that Hermione talked about the director straight without title one saw how well she felt.
No wonder, she was also on Ron's lap.
Harry looked at his friends jealously.
"I want too," he whined.
neville was the first to notice what Harry wanted out of.
"Tell me, is it possible that you have slept alone in the last few weeks? You were a little unbalanced. "
Harry gave him a dark look.
"No, I was well behaved with my sexy husband in a bed. but that's about it. "he hissed.
He had set his ears and his tail whipped. Yuki seemed to notice that as a challenge and started beating him. With rage, his whiskers had formed again.
"Does that mean you're the only one of us who has not had sex in the last two weeks?" Hermione asked.
"Rub it under my nose too. Poppy has forbidden it. "
At the mention, the young man earned compassionate looks.
"Merlin being sexually abused by a nurse. That's bitter. "Fred muttered.
"Um, did you smell what we all did?" Luna wanted to know softly.
"What do you think? Of course, I could smell it right down to our bedroom. "
these words made for some red ears.
Luna did not let up yet.
"But, just because you could not have had sex, you would not have had to do without everything."
Harry grimaced in pain.
"Severus said I deserved a punishment for putting my life in danger." He mumbled.
After a short silence, the vampire counsel also earned only laughter.
Snapped, he began to sulk.
"Grandmother would say you suffer from hormone excess, and you should really cum."
Everyone, but really everyone in the room, was staring at Neville with his mouth open.
"Do not look like that, that was exactly her words when she first caught me with a morning stick."
"She has you, ...?" Harry wanted to know in disbelief.
Neville nodded.
The Weasley boys also got red faces.
"Mum has already caught us all times. It was so embarrassing. "Ron muttered.
Luna and Hermione giggled.
"I'm really happy I'm not a man.the blonde laughed.
Fred kissed his pretty girlfriend.
"Me too, you can believe me," he whispered.
"Now it's enough, as soon as Severus returns, I'll jump him." Harry yelled.
Again his friends started to laugh.

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