31. The Dursleys 1

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Harry looked up at his husband in sleep. He still could not believe it. These madmen wanted to use him as a breeding machine. And - what the cat boy only now became aware of - not just him. This fraternity also wanted to turn his Sev into a breeding bull.
Without realizing it correctly, his magic flowed around him.
Severus noticed the acute change of mood of his partner.
"Easy, it's all right. Nobody will hurt you. "
"These bastards, what are they actually doing? How dare they challenge you to want to impregnate their wives? And then that idiot says it's an honor. "
Severus could only lift his eyebrow in astonishment. There the boy was bombarded with the most impossible letters and insults and he was only worried about his partner. His kid really came from angels.
"I'll take care of this impossible covenant, do not worry. and Winky put parental controls on our post, so you will not get letters like that anymore. "
Now Harry straightened up and looked at his husband in surprise.
"You told me about parental control? You know that gesture means the elves trust you completely? "
No, the Potions Master did not know that. He looked a bit dizzy to the little house ghosts.
Dobby just grinned from one ear to the other.
"That Harry married you is reason enough for us to put our trust in you."
the cat boy jumped from the sofa to the elves, whom he hugged both stormily.
"Thank you, you are the best! And Winky, thanks for parental control, I know what that means. "
The elves cuddled contentedly at their friend, their world was almost completely in order at the moment. as I said, almost.
Still holding the green-eyed, Winky turned to the teacher.
"How are you going to pay these bastards home? After all, some of these letters are against all good customs and some against the law. "
"Oh, I already have some ideas and I'm sure I'll come up with more at Headquarters."
"I would prefer it, you would close this cursed club. Just imagine what would happen if this ritual falls into the wrong hands. and I am sure that some of the spouses are not quite as enthusiastic about this farm. "
Severus smoothed his man's fluffy hair.
"I would say the ritual is already in the wrong hands. and I do not intend to leave that miserable scum to such power. With this letter they have shoveled themselves a deep grave. So we can legally prosecute this club and that is exactly what I intend to do. "
and some curses, but he did not want to tell his kid, or he would end up feeling pity.
"Well. But you said something about headquarters. It's about time we let ourselves be seen, right? "
The Potions Master just nodded. then he took Harry's hairclip and tied his companion's stubborn mob together.
"Dobby, Winky, would you be so nice and help me pack?"
Both elves beamed and licked their ears excitedly.

a short time later, everything was packed and both Harry and Severus were ready to leave.
"I do not suppose you two intend to accompany us?"
"No, we stay here. Besides, I have to take care of singers. the other elves have parental controls on their arms because they do not want their children to hear such words. "
"Can I understand, but if someone manages to teach him new words, then you."
With that, Harry leaned down and hugged his two friends again.
Severus also said goodbye and then, with Fawkes and Hedwig, it went off through the fireplace.

On the other hand, Harry would almost have landed on his nose if there had not been two strong arms catching him.
severus found his companion's clumsiness when it came to fireplace tours simply cute. Besides, he had such an excuse to hug the kid, who, astonishingly, seemed to like it.
"Thanks, the day I can easily get out of one of these monsters is the day Ron turns into a bookworm."
Before Severus could reply, he heard a gasp.
"Did I bump my head on the trip, or do you see what I see?"
Confused, the Potions Master looked around until he realized what had upset Harry. The usually so drab room was bright and friendly, he looked like new. As the four newcomers went on, the astonishment grew even bigger. the entrance hall looked like a periodical, Schöner Wohnen ', all bright and inviting. The biggest surprise, however, was the wall with the knocked-off Elven heads. Although these were still there, they also seemed friendlier. Harry even thought he saw some of the faces smile.
"What happened here? Even the portrait of the old horror screw is no longer there. "
Severus was right, the wall where Walburga Black usually let go of her tirades was empty.
"Say, are you sure we ended up in the right house?"
"Yes, Master Snape, you are perfectly right here. I have allowed myself, before the arrival of Master Black, to redesign the house according to his wishes. "
"Kreatcher, you look years younger. and if I may say so, happier too. "
"Very kind of you to notice, Mr. Harry Snape. After the Master Black has inquired after me, on the advice of her husband, after his brother, we had a clarifying conversation. and as you can see, it worked wonders, we bury all our quarrels, and I hanged Master Black. "
The house elf briefly stopped, assuming that his conversation partners did not know what he meant. However, he was completely confused when the young Mr.Snape went to his knees in front of him.
Of course, Harry did not miss the elf's surprise, but he did not let that interrupt him. He closed his eyes and slowly lowered his head.
The dizzy elf hesitated for a moment before returning the gesture with joy. Both of them touched their foreheads slightly and remained in that position for a moment.
Severus watched in fascination, though he knew a few things about elves, but what that meant now was beyond his knowledge.
"That's the way house elves make friends."
the dark-haired Potions Master almost went out of his skin in shock. He had not noticed that someone had sneaked up on him. It did not surprise him either, however, when he realized that it was Luna who almost gave him a heart attack.
In the meantime, Harry and Kreatcher had separated again.
"You are a very interesting young man, Mr. Snape. I've never met anyone who knows the habits of elves. "
"Two very good friends of mine are house elves, from whom I learned a lot about you."
That made the guy, always so grumpy, smile.
Harry went back to his husband.
"Hello, Luna, where are all the others?"
"In the living room, where one half of the Order tries to stop the other from stupid things."
Severus raised an eyebrow, which was enough for Luna to explain.
"Most are furious after reading the article in today's paper. and allegedly Professor Dumbledore has received letters in which he is either verbally abused because of his inability or asked why he does not break the wards around his relative's house. There are apparently many wizards who want to take revenge on the Dursleys, a part of which sits as I said right in the living room. Oh, and apparently, some letters have gone to your tutor. "
"Was Professor McGonagall abused, too?"
Harry was outraged by this idea.
"In some, maybe, but for the most part, they're apparently asking people to try and annul your marriage."
"What? Why? Did not these idiots still understand that Severus was never a Death Eater? and, quite apart from that, belongs to two old and respected families. "
The green-eyed man was furious, how could they dare? The boy did not notice that he already looked like he was in Diagon Alley again, where he stood in front of his husband. However, severus did not miss that, for some reason it made him happy that Harry reacted so violently. However, he did not want the kid to get upset, not what had happened today. So he stood close to his partner and took this in the arm. He gently stroked Harry's head and scratched his ears. Almost immediately, the boy calmed down and even began to purr. Luna almost purred, she was happy for her little brother. But he did not want to leave him in the dark.
"No, do not worry about it, nobody ever thinks your husband is a 'bad' sorcerer. The reason for wanting to cancel your marriage is simple. many wizards would like to have you in their family, even more than before James's letter. Either they want to marry you yourself or mate to their children. "
Although luna knew full well that Harry would not like this news at all, she did not want to deprive him of anything. After all, it was about the life of her brother and who, if not he, had a right to know everything?
Amazingly, it was not Harry who got another tantrum.
Severus drew his companion closer to him, he would not allow anyone to attack the boy. that was silly when it was 'just about the boy-who-lives', but this really broke all records. Oh, he would show these damned letter writers what he thought of them!
"Do not worry about these idiots, they're just out for power. besides, in our bond our magic is connected, no one can separate us. Unless he wants to go to Azkaban. "
That it could well be that their combined magic attacked an intruder, he left out, however.
Harry twisted in the embrace and cuddled against his husband's broad chest. He already loved hearing the heartbeat of Severus, it somehow calmed him down. In addition, he felt in Severus' arms just well and safe.
"Well, then maybe we should go to the others. I have the unfortunate suspicion that Sirius is one of those who must be kept from stupid things. "

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