18. Preparations

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Harry happily returned to the others in the living room and without thinking twice, he threw himself on the sofa and embraced Luna exuberantly.
"Judging by your good humor, Professor Dumbledore has agreed to marry!"
Harry just grinned at his sister and nodded.
At that moment, Snape sat on Harry's other side, he too pursed his lips into a slight smile. The Potions Master would never have dreamed that his student would be so excited about the prospect of marrying him. Well, the boy had agreed to the proposal, but that reaction was very surprising. it seemed that all but Luna were all thinking, if their facial expressions were correctly interpreted. Especially the young Ron Weasley still seemed to be slightly greenish. And his sister had cowered at her mother crying.
Snape wondered if the girl's reaction was because her adored one would marry someone else, or that one was not the opposite sex anyway?
When the director entered the room, the Potions master decided to postpone his considerations until later.
"Well my dears, as Harry has already told you, I agreed to his wedding with Severus. However, since this must take place in a few days, we must hurry with the preparations. Among other things, severus, I mean your time, Voldemort must not be given the opportunity to call you back to yourself, or harm you through the connection otherwise. That's why we'll take care of that first. "
Snape nodded curtly and looked disgustedly at his left arm. How he hated this thing. It hurt, was ugly, and every time he looked at it, it reminded him of the many victims who had lost their lives through this maniac.
Suddenly a small hand fell on his forearm. When he looked up, Harry looked questioningly at him.
"May I?" Came timidly from the boy, who was already starting to chew on his lower lip again - damn, did the kid even know how cute he lookedprobably not. Snape, who had blown up just a few days ago on such an impertinent question, could not help but nod.
Whereupon Harry carefully, as if he were fragile, took his arm and pushed back his sleeve.
There was gasping all over the room and even a growl in the case of Sirius and Remus. Whether these reactions were due to the Gryffindor's time or gesture, the Potions master did not know, and did not care.
Thoroughly, Harry scrutinized the Dark Mark snaking on the inside of Snape's forearm before voicing his opinion:
"One thing I have to say, Riddle is sometimes the worst artist I ever metthe part is so hard to beat ugliness.
Can we make it disappear with Fawkes tears? "
Hopefully, the boy looked back and forth between the teachers present and the mediwitch. with one hand still on the mark, with the other he stroked the Phoenix, who was already sitting on his lap again.
Dumbledore shook his head.
"No, I'm sorry, son, but that will not work. To be honest, no way has yet been found to get rid of the Dark Mark permanently. So we're going to use Severus' arm with a defensive spell. "
When he noticed Harry's eyes, the headmaster hurried on:
"Do not worry, Severus can speak the spell himself. However, we must first find the right one and also adapt it accordingly so that everything works. "
Harry looked at his teacher for a moment before nodding and releasing Snape's arm. he had not noticed that he had been holding him the whole time, which is why he was red now. To overplay his embarrassment, he immediately asked the next question:
"Professor Snape, you said that the minister can not do anything socially against our marriage, but as far as I know you were only acquitted because Professor Dumbledore vouched for you. but if Fudge really wants to get my hands on him, can not he just doubt the credibility of the director? Thus, he can travel to the guardianship as well as later declare you guilty. then your money would fall to the Ministry. "
Snape was again amazed at the boy's ingenuity. And when he looked around in the room, the others probably did not feel any different. yes, this school year would be extremely interesting, because after all, Harry had promised him not to put his light under the bushel.
As for the worries of his soon-to-be husband, he could easily dispel them:
"Years ago, I copied my memories and kept them in a safe place so that would never happen to me. I'm going to contact Gringotts tomorrow and ask her to forward all evidence of my spy job to the appropriate authorities. in other words, to the minister personally, to the head of the Auror department, and to various newspapers. In addition, I will keep a copy in my dungeons, just for safety. So if fudge really wants to bring me to Azkaban, he'll have a nasty surprise. for I intend to have my innocence printed in the newspapers on the second of August. "
In other words, a day after the marriage announcement of Harry's father. That's a great way for you to distract yourself from Harry. I have to say, Snape, you're really crazier than I always thought. "
"Thanks, Black, I take that as a compliment. But distraction is not the only reason for the date choice. I assume that Fudge, as soon as he learns of Harry's secret, will be with us on the mat, and I intend to take the wind out of his sails right away, as I picture the Honorable Minister about my true family relationships sit. "
Sirius could not resist a diabolical grin. He knew exactly what Snape was doing with it. He wanted to warn Fudge against putting his hand to Harry, and if that did not work, the newspaper article came as an extra hammer the next day.
Only now did the Animagus realize how dangerous it was to have Snape as an opponent, well, that the old poisoner was on her side.
"How do you want to convince the minister that you really are the heir to the Rose and Prince lines? he will hardly believe them that easy ", Harry spoke up again.
"My word alone will not be enough for him, of course you're absolutely right, but I will turn to Gringotts with this problem as well. I hope Sir Gripock will help me with that. "
already the green eyed one started to shine again.
"He'll be happy if you ask him for help. Plus, it's a lot of fun for all goblins to annoy the ministry. "
Luna and he started giggling as Hermione gasped in shock. Why should the goblins be happy to argue with the ministry, especially after the long battles in the past? And more importantly, why did Harry suddenly get along so well with all these things? the girl made up her mind to later check her friend's teeth.
"Well, once that's settled, I suggest we break up the rally for the first time and get back to dinner."
With that Dumbledore clapped his hands and smiled at each one again in a friendly way before the group disbanded under loud chatter.

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