112. Preparations for Snake Explanation Part 1

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Preparations for Snake Explanation Part 1

Part of the HA was sitting with part of the Order in the Room of Wishes, waiting for the Minister and Dumbledore.
The attendees of the HA were:
The golden trio, Luna, Neville and the twins.
The Order was represented by:
Remus, Tonks, Moody, Severus and Minerva.

"Did they get lost on the way here?" Fred wanted to know grimly.
Luna chuckled.
"What we're up to is not exactly a walk. Some precautionary measures will have to be taken. "

Harry had opted for a comfortable living room, he did not want it to look like it was in a conference room. That would certainly be better for Sirius.
Only came, who knew of their plan, and fortunately were not many.
Satisfied, the vampire counsel leaned against his husband.
"Did you read the letter from Narcissa?" He asked the potions master.
Severus grinned.
"What a pity that the woman did not take a picture. I would have liked to see this picture. "
Harry smiled, leaning close to Severus ear. After all, not everyone should hear him.
"I think Narcissa wants to enjoy the sight of a lactating Lucius on her own."
"Can I understand, I would go with your sight like this." Whispered Severus back.
"Hey, you two, what is there to turtle there? This is a war meeting. "Growled Moody.
"As long as neither Albus nor Sirius are there, it is highest to wait for said meeting. And if you allow me, I'll make this wait as pleasant as possible. growled the jailer.
"Just do not overdo it." The Auror yelled back.
Tonks chuckled.
"Do not get angry. Moody is just jealous because nobody wants to hug him. "
Even before the old man could say something, Minerva intervened.
"Then maybe you should get a dog."
"As long as it's not mine." Came from Remus.
The whole room burst into roaring laughter. Even Moody found it hard not to grin at this performance.
just in this joyful outbreak stumbled on the two men who had all been waiting.

"Looks like we just missed a joke," the director said.
"Something I hated in my school days." The Minister grumbled.
The group calmed down and looked at the newcomers, or rather the two people who had entered the room.
"Good evening, Aurora, I had no idea you were attending the meeting, too." Minerva said, stunned.
"Good evening, Sirius came to us a few weeks ago and told us about your plan. And he wanted Dimitrius to give you his talent. I just helped. "
The couple Sinistra was warmly welcomed by all. especially the twins were happy to see their business partner.
"He had asked us too. Why did not you tell us anything? "George wanted to know.
"For the same reason why you did not say anything. I never talk about unfinished projects. That just puts me under pressure. said the young man.
"Understandable." Fred nodded expertly.
The twin had grabbed Luna who was now sitting on his lap. Of course, the two of them have been rarer since Fred's graduation. And they enjoyed every minute they could be together. Just like George and Neville.
Harry realized again how happy he and Dimitrius were to always have their partners so close to them.
As if he had heard his thoughts, Severus pulled the kid very tightly into his arms.

After the brief welcome, Dumbledore immediately opened the meeting, or planning. depending on how you wanted to call it.
"Harry, did you tell your friends what's going on today?" The old man asked.
The young vampire could not resist a giggle.
"Since that was our idea, of course I told you, Mr. Director."
The Order members laughed, as did the students.
"That's right, that was a stupid question. Well, then I'll summarize again. The plan is to lure Tom into the Ministry. We're after Nagini, the snake is a horcrux and we want to destroy it. "
Harry glared at the director.
He hurried on immediately.
"Of course we try to save the animal. That's why Harry has a Dementor with him. The soul eater has agreed to help us. He will only eat the Horcrux. Let's hope the snake is nice. "
"Most snakes are nice." Commented Harry.
Tonks's eyes widened in surprise. Out of sheer surprise, her nose changed.
"How did you do that? I mean to persuade the Dementor? "
"Um, I asked him.Harry replied sheepishly.
More stunned exclamations followed, but the vampire counsel tried to ignore that.
"And we want to lure Riddle to the Ministry with a fictional heritage of Slytherin?" Luna tried to draw Harry's attention away.
And, she succeeded.
Sirius nodded.
"Yes, we considered a few other options, but Ron's idea is really the best."
The redhead looked visibly proud in the round.
"What would have been the alternative?" He wanted to know. After all, he was curious whose ideas were worse than his.
Dumbledore rubbed his beard embarrassed.
"Actually, I had suggested luring him with the prophecy about him and Harry."
Hermione snorted.
"But that was done by Trewlany. Harry would never take anything seriously that this woman gave herself. "
"True, and as everyone knows, our plan would not be feasible." Did Neville say.
All nodded.
"What does this prophecy say?" Minerva wanted to know.
Albus cleared his throat.
"That only Harry would be able to kill Tom. And no one can survive while the other survives. "
"Great, so she once again predicted death. Something new. "Aurora grumbled.
"She does not even mention names, that's just a matter of interpretation." Harry mumbled.
"How is our beautiful fortune teller actually?" Asked Fred.
The deputy headmistress snorted.
"According to the healers, it is a miracle that there is still blood in the woman's veins. There should actually be concentrated alcohol. "
"And something like that was allowed to teach." Severus glared at his boss.
He had the decency to be embarrassed.
"I really had no idea she was drinking so much." He tried to justify himself.
"That should not be possible for a single human being," said Remus.

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