28. Lesson for the teacher

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The next morning Harry was the first to wake up, accustomed to having to get up early from his relatives.
Of course, he first noticed his cuddly underlay. Next, how could it be otherwise, his tail. never slept this thing? Without thinking much about it, the boy tried to move his 'fuse' at will, which he did surprisingly well. So after a while he started tapping the tip of his spouse on his husband's stomach, slowly it started to be fun. Harry even tried to use his appendage like a prehensile tail, curling the tip and tugging at the ceiling. That was exhausting, but if he practiced for a long time, it would certainly be possible someday. During his' morning gymnastics', the green-eyed man drew thoughtless patterns on Severus' chest. This was awakened by the unfamiliar touch. the oh-so-evil potions teacher looked down to see what had awakened him. He had to suppress a laugh, he had not really expected this picture. For a while Severus watched his husband's activities before he made himself felt.
"Good morning, how long have I been using it as a fitness machine?"
Harry almost jumped out of the fur that was not there at the time. Startled, he looked up.
"Sorry, that was not an intention, the thing (accusing finger pointing to the tail) has been self-employed again. I just wanted to practice a bit. "
"Harry, that was a joke. It does not bother me, actually it is actually quite pleasant to be so awakened. "
the boy looked at him with wide eyes. Although Harry had noticed over and over again in the last few days that the actual Severus Snape was very different from the spy he had known so far. However, it was still unusual to see the otherwise unapproachable man so balanced and satisfied. The Gryffindor was sure that was also related to the fact that his partner now no longer had to spy.
severus was able to read the lines of thought that were on Harry's face, and his ears also told the potions teacher a lot.
"You know, hopefully, that your ears and tail will make it even harder for you to hide your feelings."
"I've never been able to hide that from you anyway, at least most of them do not."
By the end of the sentence, Harry had become quieter. He saw that Severus' eyes had darkened, surely thinking of the Dursleys, fortunately for Harry.
Suddenly the two heard a loud, angry owl-screaming from the next room.
"What in Merlin's name has happened again?"
Severus had jumped out of bed, as if driven by devils, and was already reaching for his wand. harry, on the other hand, climbed in leisurely, nothing in his attitude indicating panic.
"No reason to take up arms. Hedwig usually responds when unknown or unwelcome owls approach her. she's a little bit peculiar, even the school and government departments always try to scare her away, especially if they get too close. "
With this new information Severus felt rather stupid now. after all, he was standing here in his pajamas and with his wand out, as if expecting Voldemort at the door. He decided to scrape together what was left of his dignity and follow his chuckling husband. yet the ex-spy did not even think about putting down his wand, as he had already made acquaintance with the sharp beaks of Harry's protectors.
Still in his mind Severus did not realize that his cat had stopped in front of him and ran into it rather inelegantly. And of course he almost knocked the skinny boy over - Merlin, was it more embarrassing?
but he immediately interrupted his self-biting when he saw why Harry had stopped so suddenly.
In her living room was not just a strange owl, but dozens of them.
"What about Morgana's ladybeard ...?"
"Good question."
Harry went on into the room, and after he had calmed his angry Hedwig, he turned to the feathered robbery. He made a quick decision to go to the only owl he knew.
"Well, Pig, what are you bringing me nice?"
the little elf owl fluttered up and down in anticipation of Harry, as always, when he had something to deliver. What the little one lacked in size, he made up for through temperament. Hm, somehow like Harry himself.
After the cat-boy caught the owl, he took the big load from her, admittedly. Severus had in the meantime, by magic, relieved the rest of the animals of their burden. This stacked now on the living room table. Besides a plethora of letters there were still a few parcels and two daily prophets.
Shortly, the owls were provided with cookies and water and after they had gone back home, Harry turned first to the packet of Pig.
In an enclosed map stood:
"As a little wedding present from Hermione and Ron."
Pleased, Harry opened the package, he really had not expected that the two would give them something for the wedding. Especially if you considered the negative reactions.
The good mood of the Gryff disappeared suddenly when he saw WHAT that was a gift.
"WHAT THE HELL THAT HAVE THOUGHT TO THOUGHT? Damn, I cut them into cubes and process them into a potion! They're good at spinning. "
Severus had flinched at the violent outburst. so he did not know his little one, alarmed, he turned to his husband.
He had a medium-sized book in his hand that he was just trying to set on fire, at least the Potions Master had this impression. He walked up to Harry and read the title on the envelope over his shoulder. And now he could understand his husband's reaction. On the cover stood in big letters:
"Sex among homosexuals. How it works and why it's fun. "
Meanwhile Harry growled with suppressed anger, he would not forgive the two so quickly. But when he became aware of the presence of Severus, he blushed bright red. Oh God, he had read the title and what was worse, the gift was for both of them. So at least Hermione had to assume that her teacher would read it too. Harry stood there frozen, he did not dare to move, let alone turn around.
Severus saw the dilemma of his partner and quickly took the book from his hand. he pointed his wand and turned the thing into a plant, so the tree had not died in vain, at least. Then he turned back to the still distraught cat boy.
"I've said it several times in the past and I like to repeat it again. Your two friends are a nuisance. "
He bridged the last distance and took his little one in his arms. severus knew perfectly well that it was not about the book itself, which bothered his husband so much. It was the reckless behavior of his two friends that tore at his nerves.
Harry fell into the embrace after a short while, happy that Severus did not go into the matter. Though he was sure that Hermione and Ron would still be able to listen to each other. Why was it so hard for him to feel sorry for them?
After a short while the two parted again, also because Fawkes and Hedwig made a loud noise. Shortly thereafter, Hedwig also landed on Severus' shoulder and gently pinched his ear, then she snuggled her little head to the Potions master and cooed.
"Since when are you so trusting to me?"
Severus was a little confused by the owl's sudden attachment.
"That's Hedwig's way of integrating you into your crush. You know how gluttonous she is, that's what she does with people she entrusts my protection to. "
"Well, in that case, of course, I'm glad that you trust me so much. But tell me, who is your swarm? "
Harry grinned wolfishly as he watched Severus stroking his owl.
"Besides me, you are in the illustrious company of Luna, the Twins, Hagrid, Neville, and Remus."
The jailer stopped abruptly in his movements. With Luna and Hagrid he had expected, because of him, even the wolf, but the other and above all:
"Longbottom, you're kidding, the boy does not even manage to sit on the school bench without almost having a nervous breakdown!"
"Neville is just so scared of you, in the other subjects he is also shy, but not so much. besides, when it comes to his friends, Neville can be different too. "
Although Severus looked a bit doubtful, but then left it there.

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