90. Another family secret and invitations

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Back at home, they were greeted by the animals and elves.
"Good day you two. How are my former dominions? "
"Hello, the two are fine. Narcissa is pregnant, with triplets, "Harry replied eagerly as he stroked each of his animals extensively.
Dobby hopped from one leg to the other with joy.
"Oh, Lady Malfoy has wanted more children for so long. I am so happy."
However, severus reached for Harry and pulled him towards the living room on the ground floor. They sat down on one of the sofas and the potions master started to spread light kisses on Harry's neck.
Winky chuckled.
"Come Dobby, I think we're disturbing right now."
"Yes, but why is he so stormy today? I hope Severus does not overdo it, Harry is still too young for puppies. "
Winky chuckled and led her friend and the animals into the conservatory.

Harry was about to appeal to Severus on Dobby's guess as he was being pulled into a longing kiss.
His husband pushed him back so he was lying on the sofa. Severus leaned over him and became more and more stormy.
"Sev, what's wrong with you?"
For a moment, Severus interrupted his actions.
"That damn restaurant chef," he growled.
That made Harry laugh.
"Do not say you're jealous"? Severus just growled and kissed a path over Harry's neck as he unbuttoned his shirt.
"Sev, you know, there's no one else for me. And certainly not such a horny guy. "
"That's good to hear. Good that my appearance has changed. "
Harry pulled Severus up so he could look him in the eye. He gently stroked his cheek.
"Severus Snape, I did not fall in love with your looks. And certainly not in your current. Since I have feelings for you, you are for me the most beautiful thing this world has to offer. "
Severus leaned into the touch.
"Thank you, even if I do not understand it. my older self was just ugly in my opinion. "The vampire smirked.
"Certainly not, but that's the way I feel about my appearance too. I was a short-term malnourished garden gnome, and yet after some time you fell in love with me. and now I'm more like a girl than a young man and yet you do not run away. "
Severus put his finger on his husband's mouth.
"By the way, you're beautiful and absolutely cute. And since you have lost your illusion and your wounds healed. I just wanted to protect you. "
Harry smiled.
"That's cute."
"I'm not cute, I'm just a Neanderthal right now."
The boy cocked his head questioningly.
"What do you mean by that?"
Without saying anything, Severus took Harry's hand and led her to his midst.
"Oh," was all that Harry could say. His husband was upset to the utmost.
Then the boy grinned.
"Should that be an offer, Mr. Snape?"
The man above him also grinned.
"Well, that's what I like."

It did not take more than that, again Severus attacked Harry's neck and started to open the annoying shirt.
Only a short time later, Harry was nothing more than a groaning whimpering bundle of cats that demanded more. And Severus was only too happy to comply.
devotedly kissed, licked and bit the man a bit over Harry's chest and stomach. Severus was really glad that his husband's wounds healed so quickly because he left some love marks on his way to Harry's middle.
Once there, he freed his little tormenting slowly from his pants and underwear. Then he distributed light kisses on Harry's thigh. And there especially on the insides.
"Sev, please."
"What, my tomcat? What do you want from me?"
Harry looked reproachfully at his husband. especially since he made no move on. He just looked up at him.
"Severus, if you do not continue, I'll start screaming with frustration."
The man laughed darkly.
"So? Of course I do not want that. But you still have to tell me what you want. "
"Could it be that you just enjoy begging me?"
"A little bit," Severus admitted.
Harry did not know why, but for some reason, his husband's behavior started him. maybe because Severus was much more like the man Harry fell in love with then. His husband just radiated so much power and dominance that the vampire adviser was almost dizzy.
He gladly gave Severus what he wanted right now.

"Please Sev, touch me, I want you to make me scream until I come."
"Very much," the man whispered seductively. And alone, the voice let Harry's neck hair stand out. He drew in a sharp breath as he finally felt Severus' divine tongue on his member.
"Ah, yes, you have no idea how wonderful you feel. You drive me crazy, "he groaned.
Severus grinned as best he could at the moment. He licked the whole member of his husband and then took in the mouth. With one hand he held Harry's hips down with the other he spoiled the testicles of his husband. And as announced, Harry screamed and moaned with pleasure.
When Severus realized that his kitten would not be able to stand it much longer, he continued to drive his hand backwards. He did not want to go too far, but he wanted to show Harry how beautiful it could be later. And so he gently stroked the secret opening of his lover.
Surprised, he gasped.
"Sev, what?"
"Do you like it?" It came from below.
"Oh god, yes."
Severus grabbed Harry's hardness again and sucked on it. With a loud scream, the vampire killer spilled into his man's mouth.

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