29. From the love of the house elves

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Arrived at her apartment, Harry went directly into the bedroom. He picked out some of his new clothes and then went to the bathroom.
while Harry took a shower, Severus stashed the ingredients he had collected, paying particular attention to the unicorn donations. He was still completely overwhelmed by today's findings. If only the sorcerers were not so narrow-minded. but Severus had long ago realized that this was a typical behavior of humans, whether they had magical abilities or not.
After these philosophical musings, the Potions master went to the bathroom to wash out the half forest he had taken. This time, however, he used another dry spell for his Harre, after all, he was not a penguin, who had to grease his feathers. Merlin, that was still terribly embarrassing. The most feared teacher Hogwarts used a magic for birds, hopefully his students did not know.
After getting dressed, Severus still wanted to put on his robe, but then remembered what Harry had said in the forest and put the thing back. In class he would not renounce his 'bat number', as even his colleagues called it, but privately that was different.

When the Potions master came into the living room, he already heard loud cursing and growling. Somehow this was getting into a habit. When Severus saw his little one, his mouth turned upwards. There was his hangover and tried, in vain, to comb his hair. At some point the brush stuck in this force of nature and flew across the room. Severus really could not hold back now and Fawkes and Hedwig seemed to giggle too.
"Well, the main thing you three have your fun. Do you know how annoying that is every time? "
The jailer had mercy and picked up the brush from the floor, which was stabbed by an angry Harry with a look.
"I always thought hair got smoother the longer they got, but I look like I've used a shivering eel as a hair band."
"Come on, sit down, I'll take care of it."
After Harry sat down again, his husband began to comb his hair. The furious grumbling suddenly turned into contented purring, which grew louder with each brushstroke.
severus noticed how this activity eased him, and so he took the treatment a little longer. Then he took one of the new braces in the form of a panther and loosely gathered the mane.
"Thank you! What do I have to do to get this treatment every day? "
"Nothing, I like to do it. By the way, you look great. "
Harry blushed and looked down at himself. He wore dark blue trousers and an anthracite shirt and a new watch and black shoes.
Embarrassed, the boy looked up again.
"I can only give back the compliment, you should really do without your cloaks more often."
The green-eyed one looked admiringly at his partner. He wore only plain black trousers and a white shirt, but Harry could only think one thing: 'Mine'.
Immediately afterwards he had to turn his head away to hide a renewed flush of redness. Merlin, what was he thinking? If Severus found out, he would not be thrilled.
"What do you think about lunch?" The deep baritone took from his thoughts.
"With pleasure."
severus nodded and called for Dobby.
"Hello, Master Snape, what can Dobby do for you?"
"Dobby, Harry told you to call him by his first name. I ask you to keep it the same with me. "
The elf's eyes widened as he heard that. Although the house elf knew that Severus would take good care of his friend Harry and that he was not as bad as everyone thought. Nevertheless, the Potions master also had a certain reputation among the elves. To see the strict man solved that way was incredible. If he told that in the kitchen, the others would think him crazy. After he had overcome his surprise, he said excitedly:
Severus, what can Dobby do for you? "
but before he could say anything, he had already hung a squeaking cat boy on the neck, whose tail was just whipping wildly.
"That's great! Do you know how nice it is to be friends with a house elf and what it means? no, of course not, but no matter, I'm thrilled. "
Severus was overwhelmed by the boy's sudden emotional outburst at first. Then, however, he wrapped his arms around the decent male. it was nice when his little one could be so happy, even if the teacher did not really know why. But Harry had already mentioned that. And once again, the ex-spy made the feeling of having missed something important again. it seemed that the cat-boy had a natural talent for all kinds of beings, they seemed to trust him, which was obviously reciprocal. What had the sorcerers misunderstood?
Harry, who was unaware of his husband's thoughts, turned to Dobby.
"We would like a lunch. Oh, and how did Winky react to her new protégé? "
"You could hardly have made her any more happy, I have not seen her so happy in years. She grins all the time and is eager to teach 'singer' new words. "
"She called him singer? In the vocabulary rapper would have fit better. "
Harry started laughing loudly at Severus' dry statement. At Dobby's questioning look, he explained:
"Rap is a Muggle genre that cursing a lot."
"I understand, Winky is excited. she even helped me in making your purchases and happily trudging all the time. She would like to personally thank you later. "
"That's nice, I'll come back to the kitchen as soon as possible. which I'm already on my next question. Can any of you cook Japanese food? "
"Of course, Mr ... I mean, Harry, we can cook almost any food. I can bring you something, if you want. "
"Actually, I just wanted to ask if you can teach me, I really want to learn it. But if Severus wants to eat Japanese again today, I doubt it. "
He turned to his husband, in whose arms he was still hanging.
"I would actually prefer something else. How about Indian? Have you ever eaten that? "
Shaking his head, the jailer saw the waiting house elf.
"Then please put something together. You sure know what Harry likes to eat. And do not be too hot, I'm not sure how it works on cat tongues. "
after an eager nod and promise to give Harry cooking lessons, the elf disappeared again.
Only then did Severus realize that his arms were still around his husband, but it did not bother him in the least.
"But you realize that you do not have to cook? you are no longer with your relatives. "
"I know, but I like to cook when I do not have to and when I'm allowed to eat something of what I've done. To be honest, sometimes it even seems relaxing. that was the only way Dobby and I managed to get Winky out of her hole. We just sizzled something and then asked her if she wanted to help us. It is very important for Winky to be needed, that's why I let her teach me some new dishes. But that was only possible when, as I said, she had good days. They have always been very rare. I hope this will change with singer now. "
"You really like these guys, do not you?"
"For a long time I was a house elf myself, I understand how they feel when they are not appreciated for their work. And as you said, you have no idea what it means to be friends with one of these beings. but you will still be. "
With that, Harry, grinning cheekily, broke away from his partner, just as the food had just appeared on the table. Shortly the boy apologized and disappeared into the bedroom. When he returned, he had a small bottle of milk in his hand. He took two cups the size of shot glasses from the kitchen and poured them.
"I know that you do not drink alcohol, should we now dump milk on ex?"
At the confused expression on Severus's face, Harry smirked.
"Actually, I only took the glasses because the others were too big. So it's not an alcohol substitute. "
"But why milk and why did you keep it in the bedroom?"
This time the Potions master only got a 'think-after-look' as the boy sat down and watched his counterpart closely.
Severus looked from the glasses of milk to the bottle, then to Harry, and suddenly it clicked. He stared wide-eyed at the green-eyed man.
"No, right? That's not really what I think it is? "
Again, Harry only smiled, but nodded this time.
"That's really unbelievable, so far no wizard has been able to take milk from a unicorn! as soon as you try to milk them, the teats are closed or the milk turns sour. If you even get so close to the animals - and so far only women have managed. "
"I am sure there are some wizards who have done that very well. But they certainly did not hang it on the big bell. Considering how some beings have been and are still being exploited in the past, that's no wonder. "
the black-eyed one could only agree with his partner, and immediately he had to think again of yesterday's newspaper article, which more or less demanded the same from Harry. Worse still, Severus should be the one who 'reaped' his little one. when he thought of it, he was boiling with anger. Nobody would come too close to his cat, and certainly not to use it as a weapon.
Harry tore him out of his revenge thoughts.
"Well, if we've already received such a wonderful gift, we should not waste it either, or what do you think?"
The boy raised his small glass of milk and looked at Severus expectantly. He nodded and reached for the glass as well.
Immediately, as the two had drunk the 'white gold', they felt an enormous burst of energy. Severus felt his magic increase abruptly, and he was sure that was also true of his physical stamina. he felt he might, if he had to, overpower a group of twenty Death Eaters. However, the enormous increase in power did not cloud his mind, on the contrary. The Potions master knew that he was not dominated by the Force. she slept in him, however, and would be available at any time, but only if he did not fight for himself. yes, this present was truly overwhelming, the unicorn female who gave the milk seemed to know exactly how important Harry was to him by now. it was only because of this that he had received the gift, if only for self-interest with the little one, had the milk been turned into a punishment, as was the case with the blood of these animals. all this information shot through his brain in a few moments, and he also felt how much the herd loved the boy. Totally killed, he looked at his husband and his eyes widened.
the scar that ran across Harry's face was gone, but unfortunately that did not apply to Riddle's curse. He also had a much healthier complexion. The boy looked much fitter on the whole than this morning.
"That's incredible. We would have needed months with the potions. "
"I know. Do you also feel that your magic has reached a whole new level? "
The Potions Master could only nod.
They sat there for quite a while, letting the experience they had just experienced affect them.
At some point, however, they came back from their trance and then made themselves hungry for the food. Whereby Harry realized that Indisch also appealed to him. Severus was pleased with the little one's appetite. He silently thanked the unicorn for he was sure that without the milk the Gryff would not have been able to eat so much. And Harry really needed the food. For a moment, Severus felt as if he was hearing the unicorn singing with satisfaction.

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