64. A mission for the HA

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Severus also put other things on Harry's plate. When he looked at him questioningly, he meant only:
"You have to pay attention to your diet. Always well balanced or Poppy beheads you. "
"Hm, if you say so. But no roast, vegetables and potatoes. Thank you,
hagrid, can you please hand me the salad. Thank you."
For a while there was peace. But suddenly all Harry saw was stars. An incredible flash of lightning had started.
in a matter of seconds, all the teachers, and Harry too, had drawn their wands and aimed them at the supposed attackers. Those were just cameras.

As the rest of the teachers and Harry put their sticks back in, Severus stood up slowly.
with a look that made even the bloody baron swallow, he waved his wand in a nonverbal slogan.
Nothing happened first. Then, however, the apparatus changed into the hands of the students. In:
Harry looked at his husband confused.
"Not quite," came the growled answer.
Severus continued to stare at the responsible students.
The squirrels, meanwhile, tried to free themselves from their "owners" with bites. They let them go screaming.
The rodents squeaked loudly, squealing. one of the animals fled to Flora. She picked it up and called out in surprise.
"That has fangs. Is it a vampire squirrel? "
Immediately all attention was focused on Severus.
"No, Ms. Seehope, they're squirrels."
"Oh, may I keep it?"
"You have to ask her tutor."
She saw the hopeful look of her student and nodded benevolently.
In the meantime, Argus Filch had risen and opened the door to the dentulous rodents.
"Mrs. Norris, would you please take the little ones outside? "
the cat did as it was called. And amazingly, the animals also followed the old cat.

"That was my camera! Do you know how expensive he was? "
"I do not really care, Mr. Hopper. So and now for all. the next, who photographs my husband without permission, will pick up his punishment not with me but with the twins. "
Severus pointed to Fred and George. The students became noticeably pale, everyone knew what these two were capable of.
they also set up a diabolic grin.
"One more thing, if there are still students who think they can impose themselves on my husband, they'll get in trouble with me. Because then I have no choice but to feel VERY offended, and even Harry will not fare otherwise. "

Next, the Potions Master did not have to talk. Everyone knew what that meant.
if a husband or wife felt offended in this way, they had the right to challenge the offender to a duel. However, since Harry was still a minor, this task would also come his man.
in other words, if Harry felt insulted, he would only have to say that to Severus, and he had every right to redress.
No one in the faculty saw any reason to encourage the jailer in his decision. Firstly, they did not have the right and second, everyone could understand him.

"But we are still underage!"
"Mr. Malfoy, they usually talk so much about pureblood traditions. Just you should know that I will contact your parents in this case. and from what I've heard about you today, I'll probably send a letter to your father. "
Malfoy looked at his godfather as if he had just told him he had to run around in a ball gown for the rest of the school year. But then he caught himself again.
"So what? my father is a great duelist, I'm not worried about that. "
"Oh yes, maybe I should tell you that your father could not defeat me for a good ten years. Or what do you think, why he originally wanted me to give you private lessons? "
"You never did that."
The kid actually had the nerve to pout.
Severus waited a moment before the whispers in the room had calmed down again.
"No I did not. And the reason is simply that I can not stand you.
Now continue eating. "
Severus quietly sat down again while roaring laughter erupted throughout the hall.

Harry turned to his husband.
"Do you really want to duel with Mr. Malfoy? He has really enough problems at the moment. "
"Of course I do not want that. but I will still write a letter to him. The behavior of Draco is slowly hanging over my neck and I think Lucius should take care of the boy's upbringing himself. I really do not feel like it anymore. "
"And with the twins, do you really want to give them permission to punish their classmates? That could degenerate. "
"Do not worry, Minerva, I'll talk to them first, so they do not overdo it. In addition, I think that many have been alone in the threat. "
Minerva nodded in understanding.
The other teachers were a bit calmer.
Harry, on the other hand, had discovered something else again.
"Look, Flora seems to be great with her Squirrel already.
Um, Sev, why who? will it turn into something else at full moon? "
"It is already transformed. But I thought earlier, because I conjured fangs. "
"So it will not change?"
"Maybe, I'm not sure. In any case, the guy is also a part of Wolf. That's why they not only eat nuts but also meat. Do you see?"
Harry looked down at the Gryffindor table and watched as Flora handed her little darling a piece of roast that the animal gobbled.
"Sweet, I think you've just set a new trend. Maybe I'll get one like that. "
"Why does not that surprise me."

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