88. Family reunion part 1

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Severus sat in bed, his back against the wall, reading. Harry had cuddled close to him and was still asleep. Again and again, Severus looked at his husband and stroked his head.
A soft pop sounded.
"Good morning Severus, I brought you coffee."
"Thank you Dobby."
"Harry is tired?"
"Yes, his body is finally getting the needed sleep."
"That's good, Winky was already worried. I brought Yuki, she misses her hangover. "
No sooner had the little one said that, the pebble girl climbed onto the bed. And of course, she made herself comfortable with Harry immediately.
"Do you need something else? Maybe breakfast? "
"No thanks. We will have enough to eat safely at noon today. Lucius invited us to a very fine restaurant. "
"I hope former Master is fine."
"We will see."
Dobby said goodbye and disappeared.
Severus returned to his book and the delicious coffee.

Two hours later, the Vampirkater finally stirred.
sleepy eyes blinked up at Severus.
Severus chuckled.
"Because of tomorrow, it's almost noon."
"What? Why did you let me sleep so long? "
"Because your body needed the recovery. Come, do not sulk. "
Sullen, Harry scrambled to his feet and pulled Yuki to him.
"And you did not play alarm clock."
The knuckle mewed and Harry chuckled.
"What did she say?"
"She said she did not want to change the heat, she liked it."
The boy dropped the baby, kissed Severus, and then disappeared into the bathroom.
The Potions Master now rose too. he had been awake for hours but since he did not want to wake Harry, he still wore his pajamas. He decided that he had not showered with his little one for a long time.
"Do not do nonsense Yuki."
She just looked at him innocently and then snuggled back together.

Harry shifted nervously from one leg to the other.
"Calm down kitten. You're just pretending to be on your way to your own execution. "
"I'm sorry, but we're here in Muggellondon and I'm running around in my cat's outfit."
severus hugged Harry closer and whispered in his ear:
"But the Muggles do not see that. You only see a beautiful young man. "
Severus had shown Harry an illusion that only affected non-magical people. So the boy did not have to hide his furry appendages.
"That's no better, look like the stare."
Of course the teacher had already noticed that. And he had not been angry with venomous looks. Some of those jerks had tried to drive him away from Harry's side, but they did not feel well. looking younger or not, Severus could still be as scary as he was with Harry. And all without magic.
"I'll take care of you."
Harry nodded and continued to tremble.
"What else are you worried about?"
"I wonder how Mr. Malfoy is doing?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking."
Immediately, Severus and Harry spun around.
"Damn Lucius, do you have to sneak up on this? It's never a good idea for me. "
"I'm sorry, but I did not feel like standing in that grubby alley any longer. I am surprised, however, that your husband did not smell me. "
Harry grumbled.
"That's also because of this alley and the city in general. The stink is disgusting. "
"I think so too," Lucius agreed.
"Are you really feeling well?"
Harry looked at the man and tried to smell inconspicuously.
A slight smile crept on the features of the aristocrat.
"Yes, and please stop listening to Mr. I think we know each other well enough that we can switch to you. "
the boy tilted his head then he grinned. Severus knew exactly what was about to follow and he was looking forward to his friend's reaction.
Harry got close to Lucius and just wrapped his arms around him.
"Very much, Lucius."
as expected, the man stood there for a moment as frozen. But then he returned the gesture.
When they had separated again, the blonde said:
"Let's go in, Narcissa is waiting for us. I do not want to leave her alone too long. "
the two snapes nodded and followed the aristocrat.
At a fine table sat Lucius's wife in her full beauty.
"Nice to see you Narcissa."
Severus leaned forward and kissed the woman on the cheeks.
"I'm happy too my dear. You look really great. and that is your lovely husband? He's really beautiful. "
"Hello Mrs. Malfoy, nice to see you again."
Harry took the lady's hand and breathed a kiss on it.
The woman blushed slightly.
"What wonderful manners. And please, call me Narcissa. I think that makes it easier for us all. "
"With pleasure."

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