54. DA meeting, part 2

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As soon as Harry had given the starting signal, it was like in a wasp nest.
Hermione and Dimitrius assigned books to the older students, listing all sorts of veiling charms.
it was joined together by a few small groups, who then distributed tasks among themselves again.
One who picked out the spells, one who wrote them down, others who tested them for their usefulness. What Harry loved the most was that nobody cared about houses here. it was just a colorful mix.

Satisfied with the older ones, Harry devoted himself to the younger. Among them were Luna and Ginny. Just when he wanted to say something, he was plucked on his shirt.
"Hey, Milli, is there a problem?"
Worried, Harry looked at the working students but could not detect anything conspicuous.
"No everything is fine. I just wanted to ask you if I can help you with the younger students. So with the first and second graders. I always take care of the little ones in my house and also those from the other houses know me in part already. So I already know for some people where their strengths lie. "
Harry looked thoughtfully at the girl in front of him for a while.
"We really need to make sure you become a prefect next year. At Pansy the task is totally wasted. "
Millicent gave him a beaming smile.
So they started with a small introductory round. It was striking that really many first graders flocked around the Slytherin girl. Especially Puck seemed to be attached to her, he was in the same house.
"Well, now that we all know each other, I suggest we start with the tasks. I'll just ask you what you've already learned in defense so I know where to start. "
The first-grade students all drew long faces.
"Oh, do not worry, I know you only learned how to hate pink at Umbridge, but that's no problem.
Milli, are those from the second as far as we are after our first year? "
"Not quite the wrong Moody has mainly presented the Unforgettable and allowed the students to fight against the Imperius.
Needless to say that none has managed to free themselves from it. "
"Well, what a surprise. I still wonder how Dumbledore overlooked that. Ah, whatever.
Alright, then I would ask you to grab those two classes and start practicing some spells with them. First, of course, the Expelliarmus, then some staple curses. If you have time, show them the stupor too. "
"Well. you really love the Expelliarmus? "
"He has served me well so far."
With the next words he addressed himself directly to the students.
"The saying Severus showed us in our sophomore year. he has disarmed the then defense teacher, also a rivet. And I did it myself a year later at Sev. "
"You attacked our tutor and survived that?"
"Yes, that also surprised me then. but he was pretty angry, I can tell you that. "
"Maybe you should not have flung him into a four-poster bed."
"Thanks, sister, he said that a few days ago.
O.K., stop the old stories. Milli, stop giggling! rather collect your chicks and start the lesson. "
Milli, still laughing, did as she was told.

"Good and we start with the riddikulus. Luna, is Toby really okay with that? "
"Yes, it's alright, he does not have to defend himself, just to help us practice. and if it gets too much for him, he'll just retire. "
"Thanks, that's really nice of you two."
Harry gently stroked Luna's hair and kissed the girl on the cheek.
The others stared at the two only dumbfounded.
"Luna, please tell her, he's your roommate after all."
"All right, there's a boggart in my hair. Do not look so scared, he does not hurt anyone, or have you ever heard someone being attacked?
So, the kid's name is Toby and is so nice to helping you learn the spell you need to scare away others of his kind, I love that. "
Astonished and admiring looks were the answer.
"How do we scare away a boggart who is not as nice as Luna's?"
A frightened third-year girl looked questioningly back and forth between Harry and Luna.
"I do not know if everyone knows it, but these little pests defend themselves by confronting their counterpart with their worst fear. This is the only way to defend oneself, which these beings have, so one suspects that they are actually quite harmless. in fact, they are even very peace-loving, as you can see from Toby, but they are scared.
It is ironic that these shy creatures defend themselves by fear.
Anyway, to scare off a boggart, you have to ridicule your fear.
an example: Ron is afraid of spiders, the Irrwicht has turned into one, two meters tall, I just want to say. He spoke the spell and the spider turned into a big ball of yarn.
Do you understand the principle? "
"Yes," was the polyphonic answer.
"Good, Luna, Toby, Showtime."
And off we went.
One thing Harry had to leave to the students, they were resourceful, especially the big lion who was suddenly jumping on his tail. or the carnivorous plant, which took one of its leaves in the mouth and started sucking on it.

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