98. A huge slip-up.

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The remaining holiday weeks just disappeared. Harry felt like he was in a wonderful dream. He has never had such a wonderful time. He and his husband enjoyed their hours together. they either read, worked with the animals, talked to the elves or brewed. Harry also continued practicing his wings and fighting was not neglected. Whether with weapons or the wand.
Of course, they also visited their friends and Sirius. some times they even met Xenophilius for riding. And most of the time Rolo and some of her friends were there too. Riding had made its way into the goblin world.
Only twice did Harry have to give up his husband because he had to work with the Order. then every time the boy sat like he was on hot coals at headquarters and was almost unresponsive.
Therefore, when Severus returned from his missions he always had a clip vampire for at least one day. But that did not bother him in the least. But on the contrary.
A few days before school started, they all met at the Weasleys to travel to Diagon Alley together.

"Ron, Ginny, Hermione. Please go to the garden and finish it. These beasts are taking over again. "
That was the first thing the couple heard when they came through the fireplace.
Harry smiled at Mrs. Weasley's words.
"Oh, hello you two. Do you want a coffee? The others should be there soon. "
"Please, please," Severus replied.
Ron stopped beside Harry.
"Do you want to go to the garden? The critters really annoy this year. as soon as we kick them out, they turn around and get back to us. "
Ginny nodded.
"One would think that they have learned it slowly."
The young Vampirkater could not anymore, he burst out laughing.
"What's so funny?" Hermione wanted to know. she had come to the Burrow last night.
"Quite simply, do you really think the gnomes are so stupid?"
Molly looked questioningly at the boy.
"Why else should they come back?"
"Because they enjoy it."
"What makes you think that?" Severus wanted to know.
"It's easy. gnome eat exclusively worms and insects. So what would they have to get into a garden just to get kicked out by people again and again? I think it's just fun. MrsWeasley, have the little guys ever destroyed even a flower or a vegetable? "
"Now that you mention it. I can not remember a single time, "the woman admitted.
Ron shook his head.
"If you're right, then they have a strange sense of humor."
"Why? You also enjoy throwing them as far as you can. The way I see it, they see you as a kind of family. Besides, look outside. They make sure that no beetle or similar gets over your plants. "
All eyes wandered to the kitchen window. it was true that the gnomes were picking some annoying potato beetles off the bed and eating them.

Molly got up and opened the door to the garden.
"Hey, you!" She called. The Gnomes all turned to the woman.
"Do you enjoy my children playing with you?"
the little guys nodded eagerly and seemed to grin.
"And you keep our garden free of vermin?"
Another nod.
Now the red-haired woman smiled. She went to the meadow and squatted down.
"Well, come here." She said friendly.
The creatures could not be told twice. Immediately they ran to the woman and let her hug her. They made funny noises that sounded like laughing.
"You could have said that earlier, too. You stupid. "Molly had apparently already fallen in love with the little guys.
Harry smirked at the whole thing.
Severus stroked his little boy's ears.
"How did you know that, Kitten?"
"It was just a logical conclusion. There are plenty of things to eat around this area, but the little ones keep coming back to the Burrow. So they seem to like these people very much. "
Ginny grinned.
"At least we do not have to throw her around anymore."
"No, but we should probably play with them. After all, they seem to be helping with gardening, "Ron said.
Harry leaned against Severus' ear and whispered.
"Besides, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are not so alone when their kids are out of the house."
Severus pressed his man closer and gave him a gentle kiss.
"You did well. Look, the gnomes really seem to love Molly. "
it was true that the little ones were busy helping to collect some herbs.

When Molly returned to the house, she beamed all over her face.
"They are really cute. I will ask Arthur to build a second barn. then they have a shelter if the weather is not so good. "
Smiling, the woman got back to work.
Harry and the others watched her. Together, they waited for the rest.
"Are Siam coming today, too?" Hermione wanted to know.
"Yes, after all, their partners will be there too, that they will not miss. Even if their shops are always completely full. They make really good money. "Ron looked really jealous at the words.
Hermione put her hand on his arm.
"Do not worry. you will earn as well someday. As a strategist with the Aurors, or something like that. "
That made the boy smile. Shy, he pressed Hermione a kiss on the cheek, which made the girl blush.
Harry and Severus smiled.
Ginny kept looking back and forth between the two couples. Her eyes, however, often stuck to Harry and his husband.
However, nobody noticed the look, because at that moment Luna, Neville and the twins came. After the welcome, they finally made their way to Diagon Alley.

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