65. Surprising transformation

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When the afternoon class was over, Severus picked up his kid right from the classroom.
"Well, I could get used to that."
Severus smiled at Harry's comment.
"Do you have a lot of homework?"
"Professor McGonagall was not thrifty today. and that is entirely your fault. "
"My!? Why that?"
"Because you have impressively demonstrated today how you have transformed about thirty inanimate things into living ones at the same time. Hermione and the rest of us wanted to know if we could learn that too. she told us that you had to know the exact anatomy of the being that you want to create. Or in your case just about the combination of two animals. Otherwise it is not viable. Of course, now we all want to learn it and for that we just have to buff. "
"There you have some plans. By the way, Lily was a true master in it. She taught me. When you were a baby, she turned some parchment scrolls or stones into bats again and again, because you found the critters just squeaking. "
Harry silently chewed his lower lip for a while. on the one hand, he could not remember the bats, but it made him happy to hear Severus report it.
"That's why my patronus is a flying fox," he said. "By the way, Professor McGonagall told me that yours also turned. into a big winged cat. "
"What the cause of it might be?"

By dinner, Harry did his homework and prepared everything for the next HA meeting. He began to understand why teachers were so in a bad mood. That was really exhausting. luckily he did not have to do homework or take exams.
Something Severus envied him, he said.
At dinner the next surprise came.
"Hello, Dimitrius, so you decided to use your right to sit here?"
"Yes, as it has gone today, you can certainly use whatever support you can get."
"Mr. Lion, are you saying that you are only here to protect my husband? "
"By the way, he just wants to sit with his pretty wife."
that made all present teachers laugh, and gently blushed Professor Sinistra.
"Wherever you are right," Dimitrius leaned toward Aurora and stole a kiss from her. He simply ignored the whistles from the students' tables.

After dinner, Severus and Harry made their way to the infirmary.
On the way, Harry pressed closer and closer to his husband. He had his ears on and whimpered again and again.
"Hey, kitten, what's up?"
"It's dark," came the tentative answer.
severus would have preferred to go somewhere else. Of course, white vampires were terrified of darkness. It was not so dark, but it was enough for the freshly transformed.
Immediately, Severus pulled his wand and spoke a lumos.
"Looks like you need your ball of light again."
"And that, where she was just a decoration in the last weeks."
"Do not worry. The book said that one can learn to handle it. It just takes some time. And I'm there by then. "
"I hope you will still be there after that."
Shortly Severus stopped and pulled his little companion to a kiss.

When the two arrived at the infirmary, Severus almost hit.
"What about Morgana's vanity ...?"
"Um, yes, I forgot to tell you that. I managed to cure the scars of the blood feather at George's. That's why I asked him to send all who are affected by it today. "
"Forgotten about. I'm sure you did not say it on purpose because you knew I would not like it. "
"Not enthusiastic, it's more likely to happen. But knowing I can not stop you, I'll make sure you do not overdo it again. "
"And me too," came Poppy.
The woman was also not thrilled with the rush on the station. But she, too, knew her problem child well enough to know that protest was pointless. He would just do it secretly. It was better if Severus and her kept an eye on the boy.
"Hello, Poppy, you sure want to check me out right now?"
"What you can bet your ears on. And do not think I will not stop immediately when I see that healing is trying hard. and as for you, "she turned to the waiting students," you'll sit down over there and wait for me to finish this fool here. Then I call you individually. Anyone who does not come for treatment today will have to be patient. and woe I find out that you are being treated by Harry outside these rooms. "
All students nodded nicely. But it was not entirely clear whether it was Poppy's reprimand or Severus' warning looks. Nobody wanted Harry to do anything, but even less did the students want to mess with the overprotective bat.

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