
And I didn't care, because it wasn't true. He was acting like I wanted to feel how I did in the cinema. I wished so badly I could've waltzed in without a care, enjoyed the film, came out all happy and gone to play football.

He was making himself the victim, and I'd never seen this before.

He stepped forward and I flinched, closing my eyes when I felt his hand on my shoulder. It wasn't forceful, but it was enough. He probably didn't think about it, and I knew I could get into a daze so he wanted my attention, but he could've thought at least a little.

I trued to push it off and I couldn't.

"Ashton," Michael panicked, "Ashton, get off,"

"Listen to me," he said sternly, "you will not use language like that again, do you understand?"

I nodded.

"And what you did this afternoon,"

But I couldn't even listen.

Suddenly the place felt cold. My back was against pipes, the walls thick with ash and grime. Stubbed out cigarettes lay everywhere, people lighting the next batch.

It filled my lungs, suffocating me. My hands were tied, and I saw someone coming. Each step made my heart beat faster, his fingers curling around my shoulders.

The look on his face was smug, and he gently tucked my hair behind my ear, before tracing my jaw.

"Well aren't you starting to look pretty again. Do you know what pretty girls get?"


He slapped me, my cheek burning. I choked out a sob- though I didn't know what was real life anymore. No one could save me here.

"Oh, aren't you funny today. You know what pretty girls get,"

"No, no, no, no," I sobbed, "please,"


Only this time it was dad.

"Ashton, get off her!"

He let go and I fell forward, scrambling over to Viola. She wrapped her arms around me, holding my head to her chest as she scratched my head.

"I thought I was there,"

"You're far from there," Michael said, "and I suggest we get you out of here for a bit,"

"Ava, I'm sorry, I didn't think,"

"You haven't all day," I spat, "I didn't walk into that cinema and try to play up. I was in tears with Lauren, and almost with Harry, and you didn't care. I tried to get out of grandma's grip and she held me tighter, so my reaction was to push her away. I'm sorry, okay? But certain things trigger memories or feelings, and that wasn't a very nice one, and I wanted to get away. I didn't feel understood, so I legged it. It was stupid, I know, but I needed to get away. No one considered why I did it, I'm not some vile person!"

"I didn't say you were,"

"And you just got all aggressive, and took me back to a place. I don't think you realise how real it can be sometimes,"

Viola kissed my head, letting Michael take hold of me. I shrank to the floor, Milo barking as he sat on my lap. I hugged him, letting my tears fall onto his back.

"Ava, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I just wanted a nice day out, and I thought you were getting mardy because you didn't want to play football. I wasn't focused- I'm so sorry,"

"I wanted a nice day out too,"

Viola held his hand, Michael keeping his arm around me.

"I think this situation needs to diffuse," he said, "and I think that if she had a night away that could happen,"

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