• Bubbles •

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~ Recommend me some good stories without many reads, I want some undiscovered gems. ~

A strange noise wakes me up from my deep slumber. I turn around to the other side of the bed to see if it woke Michael up too, but he's not here. I listen more carefully and realize it's an animal that makes the noise. Is it... Is it a monkey?! I immediately get up and storm towards the living room. Unfortunately, I was right. There's a monkey in our house!

"Michaeeeeeeeeel!" I scream and he runs out of the kitchen with an alarmed expression on his face.

"Y/N, calm down, I-"

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! There's a monkey in our house! You should've asked or at least informed me about it! I live here too, ya know?!"

"You weren't complaining about other animals, so I thought a monkey won't be a problem." He defends.

"All the other are OUTSIDE the house. And this one is INSIDE of it! That didn't come up to your mind?" I widen my eyes as it starts walking towards us and let out a loud shriek, making Michael laugh hysterically. "Aghhhhhh! Get it away from me, get it away!!! And don't laugh, you moron!" But he does quite the opposite as I stand behind him. Taking the animal in his arms, he turns around and brings it closer to me. "Don't you dare, Jackson!" I yell running out of the room and lock myself in the bathroom. I hear him laugh again and hear his footsteps as he comes closer.

He turns the knob and as soon as he realizes the door's locked his laughter stops. "Y/N?" He says in a confused tone.

"If that thing is still with you, I'm not opening." I say more harshly than I intended to, but that's what he gets for doing what he did. He goes away and comes back trying to open the door again.

"Bubbles isn't with me now, you can unlock it."

"So it has a name?" I unlock the door and cross my arms.

"Yes, Y/N." He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. "What is wrong with you? Are you on your period or something? 'Cause you're sure as hell not acting normal."

"I'm not the one who brought a chimp in the house without asking the person I live with! And no, I'm not on my period."

"Why are you so upset about this? We already have a whole zoo in the backyard, why is this different?"

"Because I- ughhh..." I cover my face with my hands and lean onto the nearest wall.

"Are you... afraid of monkeys?" Michael says softly as if in fear of my possible angry reaction. I remove my hands from my face and look at his gentle features. Feeling awfully stupid, I nod and blush. "Why didn't you just tell me so instead of freaking out and yelling at me?"

"I was embarrassed. I mean, I'm not afraid of snakes, rats, llamas, even tigers, for God's sake, but I'm afraid of monkeys. It's stupid, it doesn't make any sense."

He chuckles and pecks my cheek. "It's okay, baby. It isn't stupid. Bubbles won't hurt you, I promise. He's just a baby chimp. C'mon, just be next to me and him for a while and you'll see it's not dangerous at all. But if you really can't get rid of your fear, I'll give him to someone else. Sounds good?" He cups my face and nuzzles his nose to mine.

I giggle. "OK, I'll try. I'm sorry for yelling at you, I promise I'll make up for it." I hug him feeling so bad for treating him the way I did.

"Awww, love, don't feel bad." He coos and kisses my lips.

"So you aren't mad?"

"No, of course not, Y/N." He takes my hand in his leading me to the living room. "You'll love Bubbles when you get rid of your fear, I'm sure. He's adorable."

I chuckle at his enthusiasm and I'm already convinced he's right. Besides, I can't dislike or be afraid of something my loved one loves. Right?

~ I used to be so disgusted with rats before seeing Michael with them. But my grandma still cringes every time she sees Michael carrying Muscles, especially around his neck, lol she hates snakes. No one can convince her otherwise. ~

~ Is there any animal you used to be afraid of or are afraid of now? ~

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