• Girlfriend/Bestfriend •

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~ I've been so lazy these days, I barely do anything productive except rewriting some of my imagines and making up ideas for the new ones. I should seriously find a hobby that includes moving my whole body, not just my thumbs lol. ~

''I'm here!'' I say entering Michael's house, not even knocking for we've known each other since forever so any 'formality' like that is out.

''Hey, Y/N!'' He smiles widely then picks me up and spins me around.

''Michael, stop!'' I laugh as he puts me down and pecks my cheek. ''You're such a nut.'' I chuckle.

''Always the same line.'' He mumbles. I pinch his arm and he shrieks. ''Fine, I'll shut up. But you'll have to kiss it better.'' He pouts.

''Sure, darling.'' I giggle and kiss him where I pinched him. ''Better?''

''Yeah.'' He smiles.

''Baby, who is that?'' A very familiar voice says, making me roll my eyes without Michael seeing me.

''It's Y/N, honey.'' He says pecking her lips. I cringe as she smirks at me when they pull away. Bitch.

''Hello, Y/N.''

''Hi, Melissa.'' I fake a smile, not wanting to put Michael in a uncomfortable situation if we end up fighting, which is what I keep doing for about 5 months. I mean, I'm his best friend and she's his girlfriend and I don't want him to choose between the two of us, no matter how much I dislike her. Someone has to be mature here. Besides, it's not like he's planning to marry her. Then, I'd have to do something.

''You girls wanna go to the theatre and watch a movie?'' Michael asks.

''Yeah, why not?'' I reply.

As we make our way to it, Melissa doesn't stop clinging to Michael, holding his hand and even slapping his behind once.

It is a nice view, but c'mon girl, keep it to yourself. You can have all of him behind closed doors, when you're alone. However, she could sense from the beginning that I'm in love with Michael, so why would she miss a chance to rub the fact that she has him instead of me in my face?

He blushes a deep shade of red, which actually makes me laugh, even though I feel like beating the hell out of her.

We make ourselves comfortable in the seats, Michael sitting between us and I feel lucky for not having to look at Melissa for the next two hours. However, my expectations never turn out right, so why would they now?

''Michael, baby, can you bring me some popcorn, please?'' She asks.

''Sure. Y/N, you want something too?''

''No, thanks.'' I say trying not to look irritated for having to stay alone with this- with her for a few minutes.

He leaves the theatre and I sigh. Melissa glares at me gripping my forearm, her fake nails digging into my skin. ''Let go of me, you lunatic!'' I yelp.

''You better listen to me, darling. It took years for me to get to him and you're not going to ruin what I worked so hard for. Stay away from him, or else-''

''Or else what? What will you do, you fake little bitch? I've been with him through his best and his worse for almost 20 years. Top that! There's nothing you can do or tell him to tear us apart. Understood?''

She let's go of my arm and gives me a look full of hatred before she starts whining and calling Michael. ''Michael! Come here now!'' She fakes tears and I scoff.

You gotta be kidding me.

''What is it, babe, what happened?'' He makes his way to us and she throws herself in his arms.

''S- she threatened me a- and said you love her more than you l- love me and t- then she slapped me.'' She whimpers and I roll my eyes.

''Michael, you can't possibly believe her.'' I state calmly. He looks at me and frowns as she buries her face in his chest making my heart sink. ''You- you don't trust me?''

He sighs and pushes Melissa away gently then looks at both of us. ''Y/N would never do such thing, and I know that.'' He says sternly.

Her eyes widen in surprise. ''But-''

''No 'buts', Melissa. I can't believe you said that. I know Y/N for as long as I can remember and I will never let anyone talk about her like that. She is the most important girl in my life and nobody could ever replace her. We're done, you are free to go. Tell someone to drive you home.''

''She wants you all for herself! Can't you see that-''

''I told you to get out!'' Michael snaps making me jump back a bit, for he rarely raises his voice and when he does, it's pretty intimidating. ''You can do it yourself or I can call security to escort you out.'' He says more calmer, his eyes cold, without a single hint of emotion.

''You're making a mistake.'' She growls then stomps out of the theatre angrily.

Michael takes a seat and buries his face in his hands sighing. I kneel in front of him and contemplate on what to say, for he probably feels bad both for being with her in the first place and for being betrayed by a person he thought he could trust.

''I'm such a fool.'' He mutters.

''Shh, don't say that. It's so far from the truth. You were just blinded by love. You fell for her and didn't see who she really was. People make mistakes and that's okay. You can't always figure out who is good and who is not.''

''I didn't say that because of her.'' He says removing his hands from his face.

''Then why did you?'' I ask, puzzled by his statement.

''C'mere.'' He gestures me to sit on his lap and I do that.

He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and wraps his arms around my waist. My heartbeat increases so much I'm afraid he might hear it. ''I'm a fool because I didn't do this earlier.'' He whispers against my lips and kisses me tenderly.

I melt in his arms, his plump lips caressing mine with much tenderness before his tongue brushes against my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I gladly allow him. He explores my mouth eagerly yet gently and my hands end up in his dark curls as I let out a soft moan. He smiles and pulls away gazing into my eyes.

My cheeks are flushed and my eyes water. I bury my face in his neck and pepper sweet kisses all over it then start crying happy tears.

''Y/N? Are you crying?'' Michael asks and makes me look up at him. I sniff and chuckle.

''These are happy tears, Michael. Very happy.'' I grin as he wipes them away.

''So... Does that mean you'll be my girl?''

''Oh Michael.'' I smile from ear to ear. ''Yes, of course. Yes!''

He picks me up cheering loudly. My legs wrap around his slim waist as he spins us around. ''I guess Melissa was right about something.'' He raises his eyebrows.

''How so?'' I tilt my head to the side.

''You did want me all for yourself.'' He smirks making me blush.

''And can I get what I want?'' I bat my eyelashes smiling.

Michael's lips brush against my earlobe making me shudder as he whispers. ''Absolutely.''

~ Hope you liked it! xoxo ~

~ P. S. The way his eyes sparkle in this GIF. *melts* ~

 *melts* ~

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