• Forgetful •

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~ Hello again! Sorry for the slow updates (again), and thank you for reading my story and being patient. Enjoy! ~

~ Your POV ~

I call Michael for the 8th time but he doesn't pick up. Worry begins to fill me for it isn't usual for him not to answer so many calls, especially since we were supposed to go out for dinner an hour ago. He may be late when paparazzi chase after him but never this much and never without calling me to tell me he'll be late.

I change in a pair of black leggings, purple t-shirt and white sneakers, since the dress and heels I was wearing weren't comfy, before grabbing my car keys and driving to Neverland.

~ Michael's POV ~

''Daddy, my tummy hurts.'' Paris says whining for the 100th time today.

''Mine too.'' Prince pops in.

I sigh and peck their cheeks. ''I'll make you a nice hot soup. It'll make you feel better, OK?'' They both nod slowly. ''I'll be back soon.'' I say as I exit their room.

However, just as I enter the kitchen Blanket starts wailing and crying. I go to my room and pick him up from his crib then start singing lullabies in hope to calm him down.

This is what I get for being a single father and not hiring a nanny. I thought I wouldn't need one and I really wanted to prove everybody - and myself - that I am able to raise my children alone, especially since many people think that our motherless family is strange. Blanket finally stops crying and gives me a toothless smile. I smile and make my way to the kitchen again.

This time, it's the ringing of the bell that interrupts me. I groan making Blanket squint his eyes at me. I open the door and see Y/N standing there. ''Baby? What are you doing here?''

She rolls her eyes. ''Well, hello to you too.''

''Sorry. Come in.'' She does and I close the door behind her. She looks at me like I should say something but I just shrug. ''What?''

''Michael, I've been calling you for an hour and you didn't answer me. I thought something happened to you.''

''You called me?'' She nods. ''Geez, baby, sorry, I'm in chaos here. Prince and Paris are sick so I have to take care of them and also Blanket so I'm all over the place and I don't know where my head is and-'' She cuts me off by pecking my lips sweetly but pulls away soon.

''Relax, I understand.'' She giggles.

''Besides, why did you worry? I could've been at the studio or something, I'd call you eventually.''

She smiles and shakes her head. ''We were supposed to go on a date tonight, silly.''

~ Your POV ~

He gasps and starts apologizing. ''Gosh, baby, I'm so so so sorry. I completely forgot, I'd call you to say I won't come. Sorry for making you worry.''

''It's OK, I'm just glad nothing serious happened. But I'm also a bit offended.'' I raise my eyebrow.

''This will never happen again, I promise.''

''Not because of that, Michael. Why didn't you call me if you couldn't make it alone? I can help you, ya know.''

He looks at me as if he heard God knows what. ''Really? You'd help me? With kids?'' His eyes widen.

''Of course! Why are you so surprised?''

''Not many women would do that. I mean, not be mad that I forgot our date plus offer to help me with kids. Thank you, Y/N.''

''Love, I could never be mad at you or start a fight over something as trivial as this. Besides, this is the first time you forgot our date and you had a good reason for it. Kids come first, I know that. I don't expect you to always have your mind on me, Michael.''

He hugs me with his free hand, since he's holding Blanket with his other one. ''Thank you for understanding, Y/N.''

''You don't have to thank me, baby.'' I peck his cheek. ''Now how can I help you? You definitely need it, since you look like you've gone through a hurricane.'' I laugh at his messy hair, pyjamas and unmatched black and blue slippers.

''Hey! I didn't have the time to think about my appearance!'' He defends.

''It's alright, you're adorable no matter what.''

He blushes. ''Can you take Blanket while I make Prince and Paris soup?''

''Sure, Mike. C'mere, you little cupcake.'' I coo as I take him in my arms and Michael smiles widely.

''Just be careful, he'll most likely-''


''...pull on your hair.'' He laughs.

''Like father, like son.'' I mutter loud enough for him to hear.

''Y/N!'' He gasps.

It's my turn to laugh now. ''OK, OK, I'll zip it.''

After Michael made them soup we brought it to them and they felt a little better. We watched a Disney movie together and all three of them fell asleep. I put Blanket in his crib and go to the living room and find Michael laying on his stomach on the couch. Poor baby, he looks exhausted.

I kneel down next to him and plant kisses over the soft skin of his neck. He starts getting up but I stop him. ''No, baby, lay down.'' He does as he was told and I start massaging his shoulders and back.

''Mmm, this feels good.'' He whispers, his smooth, velvet voice soothing my entire being.

''You tired yourself quite a lot today.'' I say putting more pressure on his shoulders.

''Yeah, kinda.'' He blinks slowly.

''Go to sleep.'' I coo and he sits up.

''I definitely will. Right now.''

''See you tomorrow, then.'' I peck his lips and stand up but he takes my hand and pulls me down on the couch.

''Do you mind staying over tonight?''

I smile and wrap my arms around his neck, kissing his lips tenderly. ''How could I ever mind being close to you?''

With that being said, he led me to his room and held me until I drifted off to sleep.

Never has any night been more blissful than this one.

~ Hope you liked it! ~

~ P. S. I'll be taking horse riding classes starting the next week, so if anyone has any experience with that, please tell me something about it. I've never done it before even though it's been my wish for a long time. ~

~ L. O. V. E. ~


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