"I don't know why don't you ask these leaders if all of them has had a girl help them realize they are worth more " The room went silent as Athena continues to pick things up. 

"Heads up" she shouted as she threw a ruck sack to Raven "we need supplies and then we are leaving got it " 

Raven nodded "Yes ma'am" .


"I think we should stop and get some rest" Clarke said as she lead the shadow clan people , Monty, Harper and Luna.  Luna decided to walk on completely ignoring Clarke's request while she dragged a wooden made spear. 

"Luna wait up ..we just stopped" She said breathless. Luna halted and turned her head . The clan adults and kids sat on the floor clearly out of breathe while Harper and Monty paid attention to them. "I'm no doctor " said Monty "but they are running out of time ... they need hydration.. they need medical care but we can't afford to stop" 

Luna kept her pose looking towards Clarke. "Its your call Clarke ... leave them and head on or ...stay"  She started drawing in the barren sand with her spear. 

"I know people probably wont listen to me but i think for Madi and the sake of others we need to go" Cassie said.

One of the adult clan members shook his head.

"em ste right , ai laik seintaim kwel teik the rest en go ona without osir" He says weak as he clutches his throat. 

"excuse me what did you say...did you speak in a diff..?" Cassie asked

"grounder language ... formed from the survivors of the nuclear apocalypse" Monty added.

Luna frowned in response "He says they are too weak and to take the rest and leave them" 

Clarke turns to him in a response. " Ai will nou bants anyone"  ( i will not leave anyone) 

"My mother wrote somewhere in her book about the possibility of formation of new languages" Cassie said.

The clan members shake their heads.  "Taim ai was in your situation ai would protect ai kru en go ona...yu nou need kom worry about kru chon laik nou your kru" 

Clarke shakes her head in denial "everyone is one kru and we all stick together ...we all....stick teina "   

"So do we go on Clarke?" Harper asked confused by all the grounder language. 

"Yes we go on for a little while ...but we don't leave anyone behind got it ... Luna?" she said. 

Luna nodded her head before pointing her spear ahead. 

Cassie continued with Monty and Harper in a closed conversation away from the rest.

"did you ever find out if Becca had left anything behind?" Cassie asked Monty and Harper. 

"no apart from those ai chips ....we don't believe so..why?" Monty asks curiously. Cassie sighed to herself in a saddened tone. "well now i don't have the book its almost like i have nothing left of her"

"We will get your book back" Harper said reassuringly. " and what your doing now is enough to show that you are her daughter ... her blood runs through your body and she would be so proud"

Cassie smiled ever so slightly before returning to her cold blooded expression. 

"why are we stopping?"Cassie moaned as she had Luna block her in front. 

. "ai wouldn't be so get klin bilaik emo will follow" Luna spoke quietly before turning back. 

Cassie looked confused. 

The Last War : Floukru Hainofi Where stories live. Discover now